February marks one of the biggest events of the winter in Japan: the Sapporo Snow Festival. For nearly two weeks, two locations in Sapporo, including a large stretch of the downtown, host gigantic ice sculptures as well as winter-themed attractions.
Sapporo is the largest city on the north island of Hokkaido. At least two million people visit the festival each year, making for some great photo uploads on social media.
The ice sculptures that are a highlight of the festival typically reflect pop culture obsessions, and this year is no different. US President Donald Trump and “PPAP” (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen), an absurdist viral video by Japanese comedian PIKOTARO, were both overrepresented at this year's festival, according to one Twitter user:
how are there three pen pineapple apple pen sculptures pic.twitter.com/wOiBhQXRFn
— evan (@enjoievan) February 6, 2017
The festival occurs in two venues, one of which is Sapporo's main boulevard, which stretches through the middle of town.
【MC SODA 出演情報】
2/6 (月)13:30~14:00
第68回さっぽろ雪まつりにMC MADの客演でMC SODAが出演致します。 pic.twitter.com/c8hqiWwEH3— panorama011.info (@panorama011info) January 31, 2017
February 6, 1:30 PM to 2 PM
The live broadcast of the 68th annual Sapporo Snow Festival begins.
The sculptures and attractions are generally gigantic, and take a week or two to create in subzero temperatures.
さっぽろ雪まつり、つどーむ会場でスタート…大通・すすきのは2月6日からhttps://t.co/hFB1rFA6Qp#モータースポーツ #motorsport #すすきの #む会場 pic.twitter.com/tl0JQRdbRw
— レスポンス (@responsejp) February 1, 2017
The Sapporo Snow Festival will soon begin at the Sapporo Community Dome.
While Donald Trump was a favorite selfie subject, there are a variety of sculptures to be seen:
「世界の架け橋(トランプPPAP)」と題された雪像を背にパシャリ 6日開幕のさっぽろ雪まつり https://t.co/xcbIXDPSSG pic.twitter.com/tenVJWKxdS
— 産経ニュース (@Sankei_news) February 5, 2017
“Bridging cultures across the world” (Trump and PPAP) and the sound of snapping selfies. The Sapporo Snow Festival starts on February 6.
さっぽろ雪まつりも見てきました。 pic.twitter.com/8qeUfGmgQ6
— 小黒祐一郎 (@animesama) February 6, 2017
I saw this at the Sapporo Snow Festival.
The festival also features a chance to try local Sapporo delicacies, including a dish of grilled mutton called “Genghis Khan.”
(´-`).。oO(…きこえますか…きこえますか… 今…さっぽろ #雪まつり で…大雪像を見上げてる…貴方の心に…直接呼びかけています…大通6丁目「北海道 食の広場」では…焼きたての…ジンギスカンが…貴方をお待ちしております…是非…お越しください…)#飯テロ #松尾ジンギスカン pic.twitter.com/R4bYeAIy1y
— 松尾ジンギスカン【公式】 (@matsuo1956) February 6, 2017
(´-`) .。oO Have you heard? The Sapporo Snow Festival starts today. While there are plenty of snow sculptures, in the “Hokkaido Food Court” there will be servings of freshly roasted “Genghis Khan.” Please come and enjoy!
The main draw of the festival is the ice sculptures, some of which even included a Star Wars theme this year:
pic dump 1 pic.twitter.com/0zPULwrXKF
— evan (@enjoievan) February 6, 2017
Much of the labour needed to create the more massive ice installations is provided by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF), which has a number of large bases on Hokkaido. Participating in the Sapporo Snow Festival is a bit of a public relations exercise for the JDSF, a fact that has not gone unnoticed:
「協力なんてしてないっす! アレは訓練っす!」
「……」 pic.twitter.com/mTZllfjEft— ベタ藤原 (@betafujihara) February 6, 2017
A: Why are the Japanese Self-Defense Forces participating in the Sapporo Snow Festival?
B: We're not participating! We're doing training!
A: Training?
B: We're training to build fortifications!
A: What??
B: We're training to build fortifications!
A: Uh….
The JDSF also plays a big role in helping demolish the ice installations at the end of the festival each year.
さっぽろ雪まつりが明日から開催されますが、雪まつりは1日〜12日の期間中ではなく、自衛隊の皆さんが一生懸命製作した雪像を破壊する13日に観に行くのが1番エモーショナルです。 pic.twitter.com/aoetNzYxNN
— #松竹梅蔵のテレパシー (@umezo_hilite) January 31, 2017
While the Sapporo Snow Matsuri starts tomorrow (February 1, 2017), the festival doesn't end on February 12; the biggest thrill perhaps on February 13 when the Japanese Self-Defense Forces demolishes everything.
More details about the annual festival can be found here. More photos can be seen by searching Twitter and other social media platforms using the term さっぽろ雪まつり.