Stories from 10 January 2017
Will 2017 Be a Better Year for Turkey's Media?
Turkey's government continues to conflate journalism it doesn't like with terrorism and other crimes against the state.
Is Insecurity Threatening Cultural Growth in Mali?
The Yaraal and Degal ceremonies mark the annual rituals of Peuls people in Mali, as they celebrate their cattle's crossing the Niger River.
A Conference in Copenhagen Seeks to Build Bridges in Areas of Conflict
A recent conference in Copenhagen brought together a wide cross section of people interested in creating peace in the midst of conflict.
‘The Richest Political Party in Europe’ Gets Its Wealth From Corruption, According to Macedonian Journalists
A documentary states that the party owns pastures and apartments. Macedonian law prohibits real-estate ownership by political parties, with the exception of office space.
All the President's Fishermen: Who's Standing Behind Vladimir Putin?
Why is Putin meeting with fishermen from Novgorod so much? Are they really fishermen?
Meet the Tireless Elderly Women from Tepoztlán Fighting to Save the Environment
"Battle of the Saucepans" helped the community to view women as not only participants in the fight, but as protagonists. Just as they are in real life.
Chinese Wonder If Smog Is Blackening Their Lungs Like It Is High-Speed Trains
"I don't think I will live as long as 80. Look at the train and see what happens to our lungs. My grandpa, aunt and uncle all have lung cancer."