Stories from 5 July 2016
Swastikas and Porn or: How Russian Cops Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Internet Crackdown
According to a Rostov court, Detective Eliseev wanted to advance his career and win bonus pay by faking “time-consuming inspection work” and framing a man for extremism.
#IAmNotAfraidToSayIt: Ukrainian Social Media Users Break the Silence on Sexual Violence
A Facebook hashtag started by a Ukrainian activist is overflowing with users sharing their stories and experiences of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and domestic violence.
A New Mexican Organization Is Trying to Put an End to Corruption
"Mexico is not condemned to be a country defined by corruption and impunity."
Goodbye to Abbas Kiarostami, a Filmmaking Legend Whose Vision ‘Transversed His Persian Roots’
Iranian cinematic legend Abbas Kiarostami died after a battle with cancer. We asked some of his fans to share their favourite scenes from the filmmaker's body of work.
European Memes, the Hilarious Antidote to the Shock and Uncertainty of Brexit
In the aftermath of Brexit, relations between the UK and EU are in a shambles. The Twitterverse, however, remains united in hilarious transnationality.
Kazakhstan's Capital Has a Million Residents? Probably Not.
"The president says a million. And the president never makes mistakes."
A Muslim Chaplain Explains What It's Like to Be American Today
"I have traveled on behalf of the State Department. [...] I am still one of the many Muslims in this country who have been detained, profiled, and surveilled."