Stories from 10 April 2016
Egyptian President Sisi “Sells” Disputed Sanafir and Tiran Islands to Saudi Arabia
Lawyers have filed complaints against the move, saying Sisi's decision to give up the Red Sea islands of Sanafir and Tarin, without approval from Parliament, is "unconstitutional."
The Naked Truth About Censorship In Uzbekistan
"All that is left is for her to act in a porn movie and disgrace her nation in front of the world. This girl is a shame to the nation."
Chinese Students Face Online Debt Trap
Government-run People’s Daily said parents should "guide their [children's] thoughts, cultivate their financial literacy and raise their consciousness of risk."
This 23-Year-Old Woman Opened India's First Rehab Clinic for Acid Attack Survivors
The groundbreaking New Delhi center supports survivors medically, legally, emotionally and financially.
In China, Alleged Assault Footage Helps Muffle Panama Talk
Three members of China's all-powerful politburo standing committee had relatives implicated in the Panama Papers, but national media has been silent on the leak.