Today is #GivingTuesday, a day dedicated to global generosity of all kinds. An article written by our Lebanese community member Joey Ayoub hours after the Paris attacks reminds us of this, and of why we at Global Voices do the work we do.
In The Streets of Paris Are as Familiar to Me as the Streets of Beirut, Joey writes movingly about “the general failure of humanity’s imagination to see itself as a unified entity.” He adds:
“It is a hard thing to realize that for all that was said, for all the progressive rhetoric we have managed to create as a seemingly united human voice, most of us members of this curious species are still excluded from the dominant concerns of the ‘world’.”
Every day at Global Voices our editors and volunteer authors and translators work across borders, time zones and language barriers to bring you important citizen-driven stories the mainstream media doesn't have the time or interest to cover, report on online freedom of expression and support others in joining the global conversation.
To stay independent and sustainable, we depend on the generous support of friends and readers like you. Your donations help cover the cost of server space, administrative expenses, our microgrant programs and Global Voices staff.
On this #GivingTuesday, please consider supporting Global Voices by making a donation.
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A very big thank you from the Global Voices community!