The Peruvian journalist Pilar Celi Frías is one of the five winners of the prestigious award “Voices2Paris” given out by the United Nations Development Program and the nonprofit OXFAM. Frías was honored her work addressing climate change.
Periodista peruana gana premio de la ONU
— Clases de Periodismo (@cdperiodismo) noviembre 12, 2015
Peruvian journalist is awarded prize by UN.
The website Clases de Periodismo summarized Frías’ award-winning work:
La historia premiada cuenta como cinco mujeres peruanas, que viven en la provincia de Candarave, Tacna, viajaron a la India para aprender a instalar paneles solares y, al retornar a sus comunidades, mejoraron la calidad de vida de los habitantes a través del acceso a la luz eléctrica.
The award-winner's story tells how five Peruvian women, from the province of Candarave, Tacna, traveled to India to learn how to install solar panels and, when they came back to their communities, they improved the locals’ life quality by supplying access to electric light.
Pilar Celi is a journalist from the news website ConexiónCOP, a Web portal that reports about climate change and international negotiations:
ConexiónCOP busca facilitar el trabajo de los periodistas y líderes de opinión de la región a través del acceso y actualización diaria de noticias, entrevistas, reportajes, datos, reportes clave e historias relacionadas con el cambio climático.
ConexiónCOP aims to make work easier for journalists and opinion leaders from the region by offering daily access and updates featuring news, interviews, reports, key facts, and stories related with climate change.
ConexiónCOP is covering the Climate Change Conference (COP21), which is scheduled to take place in Paris from November 30 to December 11.
The other awarded journalists are Neil Marks (from Guyana), Diana Omondi Makimario (Kenya), Shahani Singh Shrestha (Nepal), and Augustina Armstrong-Ogbonna (Nigeria). Candidates’ work was evaluated by renowned journalists from major media outlets, who also ran the selection process in two earlier rounds of the contest.
Congratulations soon appeared on Twitter:
Orgullosa de @pilicefri! Vale un #Perú! :) @ConexionCop tendrá a una grande en la #COP21 — Violeta Reaño D. (@morellaviole) noviembre 13, 2015
Proud of Pilar Celi! She is worth her weight in gold! ConexionCOP will have a great representative on COP21.
@pilicefri Felicidades por el reconocimiento a tu trabajo — Lucydalia Baca C. (@bacalucydalia) noviembre 13, 2015
Congratulations to Pilar Celi for the acknowledgment of her work.
According to reports, French travel authorities will not suspend the climate change summit in Paris, despite deadly attacks that occurred in the city on the evening of November 13.