Stories from 14 November 2015
Activists in Turkey Try to Keep #SilvanUnderAttack in the Media After the Paris Attacks
'Our magnificent media, #ParisUnderAttack is unfortunately true, what about #SilvanUnderAttack?'
Old Photos Show How the West Perceived Japan
Adolfo Farsari's hand-painted photos provide a glimpse of how Europeans regarded the country just a few decades after the end of that country's period of isolation.
The Best of Paris Shines Through During Its Worst of Times
"In times of adversity, the true character of a community shows through. To those offering #PorteOuverte, you make me proud to be a human."
As UN Climate Talks Approach, a Look at What's Changed Since Copenhagen
Is the world better suited for a climate change agreement than it was in 2009, when the last important negotiations took place?
The Streets of Paris Are as Familiar to Me as the Streets of Beirut
"We do not get a "safe" button on Facebook. We do not get late night statements from the most powerful men and women alive and millions of online users..."
Tajik Woman Reportedly Killed at Russian Military Base in Tajikistan
"It is not enough that they kill, rape, imprison and make fun of Tajiks in Russia -- now the killing continues at home, on our own soil!"