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Unlivable Conditions in Macedonian Student Dorms Worsen

Categories: Eastern & Central Europe, North Macedonia, Breaking News, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Disaster, Education, Governance, Ideas, Politics, Youth

The Student Plenum, a grassroots movement fighting for the rights of university students in Macedonia, published [1] new photos of the unlivable conditions that students in Macedonia's capital of Skopje live in. The movement has steadily been following the situation in the state-owned student dorms and has called on the state several times to improve basic hygiene and safety conditions in the student living quarters. Student Plenum recently informed the public that the living conditions and structural safety of at least one of the largest student dormitories in Skopje has worsened since and has reminded that the government promised to fully reconstruct [2] the dorms more than a year ago, after being shamed in international media [3].

12027701_1680075205556095_5865933752732667760_n [4] 12036458_1680075198889429_8700357373653010949_n

In the accompanying text, Student Plenum indirectly address the new institution of special public prosecutor [5], which is supposed to handle corruption cases that the regular public prosecutor in Macedonia actively ignores.

Домовите се распаѓаат исто како и системот во државата, но ние сè уште немаме добиено нов специјален студентски дом за да се спасат студентите живи од бедата во која живеат и која се руши околу нив.

Ова е блокот В во студентскиот дом “Гоце Делчев”, во кој пред некој ден како што може да се види на сликите се срушил дел од кровот во еден од ходниците.

Овојпат немало повредени. Дали и наредниот пат нашите колеги ќе бидат еднакво среќни или пак до тогаш ќе добијат нов (специјален) студентски дом?

Student dorms are falling apart just like the state system and we have not received a new special student dorm to save the students’ lives from the misery in which they live and which crumbles around them.

This is the Block V of the “Goce Delchev” student dorm. The ceiling fell in one of the hallways a few days ago.

This time no one was injured. Will our colleagues be so lucky the next time or by then will they get a new, (special) student dorm?