Community radio stations “provide the population the opportunity to create a reflection of their own image and that of the environment that surrounds them, independent of outside sources, and thereby construct their own account of their community and their culture.” Image fom Libertad-Expresión.org.mx, published by the magazine Voces Étnicas [Ethnic Voices], a space dedicated to the visual and textual recovery of the traditions and customs of Mexico's indigeous communities.
In this instance, federal authorities acted against four community radio stations located in the Isthmus of Tehuántepec, a Oaxacan region where community radio plays a fundamental role by, among other things, providing indigenous communities access to information in their own languages and in an oral format—something fundamental in rural zones where illiteracy is not uncommon. Likewise, due to the fact that they do not require great startup or operating costs, community radio stations enable community participation in issues of collective interest, promoting these peoples’ cultural identity.
In this way, community radio plays a social and political role of great importance in this and other rural regions of Mexico, as a statement issued by community radio station Regeneración Radio in 2013 exhibits:
Ante la invasión de empresas trasnacionales que sufrimos los pueblos indios del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, las radios comunitarias han sido un medio de información fundamental en la defensa de los territorios, ello ha provocado que las empresas eólicas y sus complices los caciques locales y los funcionarios de gobierno hayan venido desarrollando en los últimos meses una agresiva campaña represiva que busca acallar esta voz.
Faced with the invasion of transnational businesses inflicted upon the native peoples of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, community radio has been a fundamental medium of information for territorial defense, which has caused the wind energy companies and their local chieftain accomplices as well as government officials to develop an aggressive campaign of repression over the last few months seeking to silence this voice.
Currently, this strategy also serves political interests linked to Mexico's recent elections, according to La verdad del Istmo, la voz ciudadana (The Isthmus Truth, Voice of the Citizens):
[La intención es que las radios comunitarias] no den a conocer la situación crítica y precaria que se vive en la Regional del Istmo de Tehuantepec, como la malversación de fondos, lavado de dinero, ejecuciones, levantones, asaltos a mano armada y delincuencia organizada, favoreciendo al gobierno federal.
[The intention is for community radio] not to make known the critical and precarious situation the Istmo de Tehuantepec Region is experiencing, such as the mishandling of funds, money laundering, executions, kidnappings, armed assaults, and organized crime, in favor of the federal government.
This is particularly relevant in the context of communications in Mexico, where due to the great media concentration enjoyed by conglomerates like Televisa and TV Azteca, there are few outlets for autonomous and independent media and, consequently, limited diversity and a lack of plurality when it comes to the news. In this way, commercial interests wield particularly damaging influence over traditional outlets like radio and television, imposing certain editorial lines on Mexico's biggest media companies (often in ways that benefit the political strategies of the country's powerful.
In the latest example of this phenomenon, the Mexican Attorney General's Office carried out raids in late May on three indigenous radio stations operating in Salina Cruz, dismantling La Explosiva 93.7 FM, Stéreo 99.9 FM, and La Joya 106.1 FM, as well as a fourth station in Santo Domingo Tehuantepec, La Joya 107.5 FM.
During the raids, federal agents decommissioned the radio stations’ transmission equipment, even arresting Edwin Meneses, who owns and reports for BMM Noticias, and Samuel López, an announcer at the radio station Tehuantepec. Police accused both men of making illegal use of the radio-electric spectrum, according to the magazine Regeneración.
Both reporters were freed on May 21, after each paid a 70,000-peso ($4,500) bond. Their trials are still pending. According to news outlet Página 3:
Edwin Meneses y el locutor Samuel López estuvieron resguardados en las instalaciones de la PGR durante aproximadamente doce horas y fue tras el pago de la fianza que los dejaron en libertad; sin embargo, ahora tendrán que seguir el proceso administrativo judicial en la Ciudad de México por ser un delito de índole federal.
En entrevista con Edwin Meneses, resaltó que fue una experiencia “horrible” la que vivió durante ese tiempo que fue detenido, porque al ser detenido no le permitieron realizar ninguna llamada telefónica a nadie, mucho menos a sus familiares o algún abogado que lo auxiliara.
Edwin Meneses and announcer Samuel López were held at the AG's facilities for approximately twelve hours and they were only freed after paying bail; however, they must now be tried by an administrative judge in Mexico City for a federal crime.
In an interview, Edwin Meneses emphasized that his arrest was a “horrible” experience, because upon being arrested he was not allowed to make a single telephone call to anyone, let alone his family or any lawyer to help him.
Referring to his arrest, Edwin Meneses also stated:
Los elementos de la PGR llegaron armados y con un barrote quisieron abrir la puerta, en ese momento salí y se identificaron, dijeron que venían por todo el equipo, se llevaron todo y de ahí me dijeron que también me llevarían en calidad de detenido, querían esposarme como un delincuente, pero no quise y me defendí, me dijeron groserías, realmente fue una experiencia horrible que no se lo deseo a nadie.
AG agents arrived armed and ready to ram the door, and when I came out and identified myself, they said they had come for all the equipment. They took everything and then said that they were also taking me into custody. They wanted to handcuff me like a criminal, but I resisted and they cursed me. It was really a horrible experience that I would not wish on anyone.
According to a statement by Radio Comunitaria Ayuujk (Ayuujk Community Radio), the government dismantled another four community radio stations in the port of Salina Cruz and two in the City of Tehuantepec—all in a single month, last September. In November 2014, federal police decommissioned the equipment of community radio stations Órbita Digital, Radio Bola lari, and Estéreo Ranchu Gubiña. In light of these events, members of the Organización Istmeña de Radios Comunitarias (Isthmus Community Radio Organization) (OIRC) declared:
Nosotros no somos delincuentes ni extorsionadores, nos dedicamos a informar diversos programas radiofónicos de forma local y regional, pero sabemos que hay intereses económicos de dueños que han monopolizado en este ramo que no les ha gustado que les quitemos sus ganancias y ellos son los que no quitan el dedo del renglón, sin embargo, les decimos que estamos en resistencia social, porque no nos callarán las voces.
We are not criminals or blackmailers, but are devoted to providing information through diverse local and regional radiophonic programs. But we are aware that there are economic interests involved on the part of business owners who have monopolized the field and are not pleased that we have cut into their profits, and they are the ones who won't give up. However, we tell them that we are in social resistance, and that's why we won't stop speaking out.
OIRC representative Rafael Chiñas Terán decried recent occurences and called on the federal government, addressing the Federal Institute of Telecommunications, to stop dismantling community radio stations in Oaxaca.
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