Stories from 28 May 2015
The Boomerang Effect: Why Would Tajikistan's Special Forces Chief Join ISIS?
"This is the most well-made film of a Tajik IS fighter. Unsurprisingly, they have quickly used [him] for recruitment purposes."
No Protection for Quetta's Vulnerable Child Garbage Sellers
Like thousands of other children in Balochistan's capital city Quetta, 12 year-old Jummah and 11 year-old Razzaq are forced into child labor because of extreme poverty.
Did Russia Just Effectively Outlaw Internet Anonymizers?
A Russian court has ruled to block a webpage for being "an anonymizer," raising concerns that tools like Tor and other anonymizing proxy services might soon be banned wholesale.
What You Need to Know to About Growing Opposition to Peru's Tía María Mining Project
Resistance by Peruvian farmers to the planned Tía María mining operation has increased in the last few weeks. Here is some background on the origins of the conflict.
Migrant Tragedies: ‘Behind the Statistics Are Individual Life Stories and Grieving Families’
"If Africa's youth comes to believe that its future lies elsewhere, it will be impossible to solve the issue of migration," says Souleymane Bachir Diagne.
Violence Once Again Shakes Mexico With Disappearance of At Least 30 People
"Tlatlaya, Ayotzinapa, and now Chilapa… does anyone still doubt that President Peña has lost control of the country?"
An Online Joke Captures China's Censorship Practices
Letscorp, a site devoted to bridging information across Chinese speaking communities, reposted an online joke on Twitter that vividly captures mainland Chinese censorship practices. 老大:官员好不好,百姓说了算。宣传部:我补充一句,大多数百姓不明真相。团中央:没事,我们有一千万网评员保证舆论。公安:还有漏网的我们就抓。央视:再让他们嫖娼。环球:就说他们收了美国人的钱。外交部发言人:依据相关法律和政策,我国有充分言论自由。人民日报:你瞧,这是人民的选择嘛 — 墙外楼 (@letscorp) May 28,...