The story of a three-year old girl, who left her home in the Peruvian city of Huancayo, had a happy ending thanks to Perla, her faithful pet.
Persistent dog barking drew the attention of two police officers to a little girl crying on the sidewalk. Ángel Quispe, one of the two policemen, approached her as he suspected the girl was lost. Perla's first reaction was to attack the officer, but Quispe managed to pet the dog and ask the little girl where she lived.
The girl was unable to say her name, so the policeman took her hand and started asking around to find out if anyone knew who the girl was, but to no avail.
During their walk, Perla played guide by running ahead of them, and after passing eight blocks, the dog suddenly sat down at the door of a house, that turned out to be the girl's family home.
Lindo canito huanca … !!!
— fororepublicano (@fororepublican1) Mayo 5, 2015
Nice Huancayan dog… !!!
It emerged that the little girl had escaped when her mother went to the marketplace, without shutting the door properly. The woman believes that her daughter followed her for a time until she lost track and began walking aimlessly.
So, while it is well known that a dog is a man's best friend, this one was a very good friend to a little girl, too.
Apparently, hero dogs are not rare in Huancayo. Back in 2013, three canines refused to abandon their dead owner, a homeless man who had died after falling and hitting his head. The dogs attempted unsuccessfully to climb into the car that took the body to the morgue, and ran alongside the vehicle as people on the streets observed the scene.
The news was so moving that several animal welfare groups began searching for them to try to find a home for the dogs as recognition for their loyalty. No further news was published about this particular search, though.
Back then, Twitter users said:
Hoy Volví a ver este vídeo. SIMPLEMENTE ¡EXTRAORDINARIO! Por eso condeno a quienes maltratan a los animales….
Today I watched this video again. SIMPLY EXTRAORDINARY! That's why I condemn those people who mistreat animals…
Huancayo: Perros quisieron evitar que se llevaran el cuerpo de su dueño a la morgue vía @larepublica_pe
— Flor Maria (@florgabriell) marzo 19, 2013
Huancayo: Dogs tried to prevent the dead body of their owner to be taken to the morgue.
1 comment
how cute the students of Playgroup Singapore will appreciate the humanity of an animal