Keeping Minors Safe Online Is Everyone's Responsibility

We live in an age in which dizzying technological advances sometimes put minors in danger. In a post on blog Mujeres Construyendo (Women Building), Gloria Serrato delves into society's responsibility to protect them and teach them the appropriate use of new technologies:

Diferentes organismos han emitido iniciativas para defender a los menores de edad con respecto a la protección de su información confidencial, […] para buscar la regulación pertinente que no lesione los intereses del acceso a la información ni a los menores.

El acceso a las redes sociales en internet es una oportunidad para el ejercicio de los derechos de las personas y es una herramienta para el aprendizaje y el conocimiento. Sin embargo es imprescindible saber que los […] adultos deben ser una guía que pueda orientar en los usos adecuados.

Several organizations have launched initiatives in order to defend minors and preserve their confidential information, […] looking for the pertinent regulation that does not harm the accessibility of information or underage children's interests.

Access to social media sites is an opportunity for the exercise of people's rights and a tool for instruction and knowledge. But is essential to know that […] adults should be a guide to direct them in proper use.

The writer states that such an education should take place in schools and family environments. She also lists the lines of work from the Montevideo Memorandum on protection of minors’ data:

a)    Recomendaciones en materia de prevención y educación
b)    Recomendaciones para los Estados sobre el marco legal
c)    Recomendaciones para la aplicación de las leyes
d)    Recomendaciones en materia de políticas públicas
e)    Recomendaciones para la industria.

a)   Recommendations in terms of prevention and education
b)   Recommendations to states on the legal framework
c)   Recommendations for the application of law
d)   Recommendations for public policy
e)   Recommendations for the industry

Continue reading Gloria Serrato's post here and follow her on Twitter.

This post was part of the 49th edition of #LunesDeBlogsGV (Monday of blogs on GV) on April 13, 2015.

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