According to the organizers of the Seventh Summit of the Americas, which was held in Panama this year, the event's Twitter account recorded 9 million impressions, making it the first “totally digital summit of the century.”
The summit certainly merited the attention: for the first time in more than half a century, a US president and Cuban head of state sat down together at the diplomatic table. While this meeting was the summit's highlight in international news coverage, the conference didn't take place just to bring together Washington and Havana. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro also met privately with Barack Obama, later saying publicly, “I respect you, but I don't trust you, President Obama.” In March, Obama signed an executive order putting seven Venezuelan officials on a sanctions list.
But the summit was more than any single moment, however historic or tense. To give a better sense of what just happened in Panama, Global Voices has collected and translated 35 different tweets, capturing commentary from each of the countries represented at the summit.
Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
“Pedimos que se respete una política financiera para los países pequeños”, Gaston Browne de Antigua y Barbuda.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“We ask for financial policies that respect small countries”, Gaston Browne from Antigua and Barbuda.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina
.@Cfkargentina “Quiero felicitar a @JuanMansantos por su terquedad para encarar el proceso de paz” #CumbrePanama
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
I want to congratulate [Colombian President] Juan Manuel Santos for his stubbornness to face the peace process.
Perry Christie, Prime Minister of Bahamas
“Nuestros pueblos buscan soluciones, encontremos soluciones prácticas y vamos a aplicarlas”, Perry Christie, Primer Ministro de Bahamas.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Our peoples pursue solutions, let's find practical solutions and let's apply them”, Perry Christie, Prime Minister of the Bahamas.
Freundel Jerome Stuart, Prime Minister of Barbados
“Nuestra cooperación debe también trasladarse al área de seguridad”, Primer Ministro de Barbados, Freundel Jerome Stuart. #CumbrePanamá.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Our cooperation must extend to the area of security”, Prime Minister of Barbados, Freundel Jerome Stuart.
Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize
“El arma primordial con la que contamos en Belice es una población educada”, Wilfred Elrington, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Belice.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“The fundamental weapon we count on in Belize is an educated population,” Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize.
Evo Morales, President of Bolivia
“Presidente @BarackObama nos habla de democracia y todo los días nos manda a sus sicarios”, Pdte. Evo Morales.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“[American] President Barack Obama talks us about democracy and every day he sends us his hitmen”, President Evo Morales.
Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil
Dilma finaliza: queria deixar claro nosso compromisso com a integração regional. #CumberPanamá
— Dilma Rousseff (@dilmabr) April 10, 2015
Dilma concludes: I want to make clear our commitment to regional integration.
Steve Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
“Hoy la democracia más que nunca es la norma principal del hemisferio”, Primer Ministro @pmharper, en #CumbrePanamá.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Today, democracy is more than ever the main rule of the hemisphere”, Prime Minister Steve Harper.
Heraldo Muñoz, Chancellor of Chile
“Si bien hemos logrado mucho, hay mucho por hacer, la población lo exige”, Heraldo Muñoz, Canciller de Chile.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“Although we've accomplished a lot, there is still much to be done—the people demand it”, Heraldo Muñoz, Chancellor of Chile.
Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia
Hace 3 años en #CumbreDeLasAméricas en Cartagena dijimos que no podía haber otra sin Cuba. Celebramos que esté hoy en @CumbrePanama.
— Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) April 10, 2015
Three years ago at the Summit of the Americas, we said there couldn't be another one without Cuba. We celebrate [Cuba's presence] today in Panama.
Luis Guillermo Solis, President of Costa Rica
“Que Dios bendiga nuestro continente e ilumine a quienes tenemos que conducirlo por el camino de la prosperidad”.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“God bless our continent and may He enlighten those of us who have to lead it with the path of prosperity.”
Raúl Castro, President of Cuba
“Pese a las carencias y dificultades que tenemos, continuamos con la premisa de compartir lo que tenemos”, Pdte. @RaulCastroR #CumbrePanamá.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Despite all the things we lack and the difficulties we manage, we go on with the premise of sharing what we have”, President Raul Castro.
Francine Baron, Representative of Dominica
“Apoyamos la idea de que buscar una educación de calidad es responsabilidad de todos los sectores”, Francine Baron #CumbrePanamá.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“We support the idea that pursuing a quality education is a responsibility shared by all sectors”.
Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador
Aterrizamos en Panamá, VII Cumbre de las Américas. Equidad para la prosperidad, soberanía y dignidad. Por nuestra definitiva independencia.
— Rafael Correa (@MashiRafael) April 10, 2015
We landed in Panama, the Seventh Summit of the Americas. Equity for prosperity, sovereignty, and dignity. For our definite independence.
Salvador Sánchez Cercén, President of El Salvador
En @CumbrePanama reafirmamos compromiso de trabajar juntos por la paz y prosperidad para nuestro continente.
— Salvador Sánchez C. (@sanchezceren) April 11, 2015
In the Summit of Panama we reaffirmed our commitment to working together for peace and prosperity for our continent.
Barack Obama, President of the United States
El Pdte. de EUA @BarackObama manifestó en “CumbrePanamá la necesidad de trabajar con mayor dinamismo en Latinoamérica
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
US President Barack Obama declared at the Summit in Panama that more dynamic work in Latin America is necessary.
Keith Claudius Mitchell, Prime Minister of Granada
“La prosperidad con equidad es importante para la región. La desigualdad se reduce con inversión en la educación”, Keith Claudius Mitchell.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“Prosperity with equity is important for the region. Inequality gets reduced with investments in education”, Keith Claudius Mitchell.
Otto Pérez Molina, President of Guatemala
Celebramos el restablecimiento de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos.
— Otto Pérez Molina (@ottoperezmolina) April 11, 2015
We celebrate that relations between Cuba and United States have been reestablished.
Bayney R. Karran, Representative of Guyana in OAS
“Debemos dar a nuestra juventud los medios de inclusión social”, Bayney R. Karran, Representante de Guyana ante OEA.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“We must provide our youth with the means of social inclusion”, Bayney R. Karran, representative of Guyana in OAS.
Michel Joseph Martelly, President of Haiti
Photo de famille des Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement du 7ème Sommet des Amériques déroulé au Panama.
— Michel J. Martelly (@MichelJMartelly) April 11, 2015
Chiefs of state pictured at the Seventh Summit of the Americas, held in Panama.
Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, President of Honduras
“Hemos llegado a buen puerto con Guatemala en aras de establecer la unión aduanera entre ambos países”. Pdte. Juan Orlando Hernández.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“We've come to a good conclusion with Guatemala about establishing a customs union between both countries”, President Juan Orlando Hernández.
Portia Simpson-Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica
“El cambio climático representa un peligro claro para nuestra sociedad”, Portia Simpson Miller, Jamaica.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Climate change represents a clear danger to our society”, Portia Simpson Miller, Jamaica.
Enrique Peña Nieto, President of México
La #CumbrePanamá es una excelente oportunidad para activar el diálogo inclusivo y propositivo entre las naciones que participamos.
— Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) April 10, 2015
The Summit in Panama is an excellent opportunity to active inclusive and an innovative dialogue between the participant nations.
Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua
.@DanielOrtega_ni Presidente de Nicaragua habla sobre la ausencia de Puerto Rico en la #CumbrePanama
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, talks about the absence of Puerto Rico in the Summit in Panama.
Juan Carlos Varela, President of Panama
Avancemos unidos a trabajar por esa prosperidad con equidad para todos los ciudadanos de nuestro continente.
— Juan Carlos Varela (@JC_Varela) April 11, 2015
Let's walk along together and work for that prosperity with equity for every citizen in our continent.
Elisa Ruiz Díaz, Ambassador to Paraguay in OAS:
Avanzamos en la conciliación y diálogo para todas las naciones”Embajadora de Paraguay, Elisa Ruiz Díaz #CumbrePanama
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“We work towards conciliation and dialogue for all nations”, Ambassador of Paraguay, Elisa Ruiz Díaz.
Ollanta Humala, President of Peru
Presidente @Ollanta_HumalaT “Debemos masificar la calidad de la educación ” #CumbrePanama
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
President Ollanta Humala: “We must make quality education accessible to all.”
Danilo Medina, President of Dominican Republic
“El narcotráfico es un cáncer que no podemos permitir que avance”, @DaniloMedina Presidente de R. Dominicana en #CumbrePanamá.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“Drug trafficking is a cancer and we shall not allow it to move forward”, Danilo Medina, President of the Dominican Republic.
Mark Brantley, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis:
“El desarrollo se basa en la educación y la igualdad de los pueblos”, Mark Brantley San Cristóbal y Nieves.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“Development is based on education and equality among peoples”, Mark Brantley, Saint Kiits and Nevis.
Ralph Gonsalvez, President of de Saint Vicent and the Grenadines:
“Es alentador que se hayan dado los pasos para restablecer relaciones entre Cuba y EUA”, Ralph Gonsalvez.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“It's encouraging that the first steps to reestablish relations between Cuba and United States have been taken”, Ralph Gonsalvez.
Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia:
“La solución fundamental de la pobreza no es el dinero, sino el conocimiento”, Primer Ministro Kenny Anthony.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“The paramount solution to poverty is not money but knowledge,” Prime Minister Kenny Anthony.
Niermala Badrising, Ambassador of Surinam to OAS:
“Reiteramos la importancia del diálogo para contribuir a la paz en Venezuela”, Embajadora Niermala Badrising.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 12, 2015
“We reaffirm the importance of dialogue to contribute to peace in Venezuela,” Ambassador Niermala Badrising.
Kamia Persad-Bissesar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago:
“La presencia de Cuba aquí hoy, es testimonio que pasamos una página importante en el libro de nuestra historia”, Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“That Cuba is present here today is a proof that we're turning an important page in the history books,” Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
Tabaré Vázquez, President of Uruguay
“Llamamos a nuestro pueblo hermano venezolano a solucionar sus problemas con el diálogo”, Tabaré Vásquez, Presidente de Uruguay.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
“We call upon our Venezuelan brothers to solve their problems through dialogue,” Tabaré Vásquez, President of Uruguay.
Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela
Yo respeto pero no confío en usted Pdte. Obama . Yo le extiendo mi mano para que resolvamos las diferencias que tengamos: @NicolasMaduro.
— Cumbre Américas (@CumbrePanama) April 11, 2015
I respect you, but don't trust you, President Obama. I hold out your hand so as to solve the disagreements we may have.