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What Is Really Wrong With Policing in Maldives?

Categories: South Asia, Maldives, Citizen Media, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Law, Politics

Blogger Kureege Fuluheh [1] is a Maldivian ex-police officer, who writes about issues in policing and the police service in Maldives. The blogger analyses [2] how the Maldives Police Service (MPS) is perceived by people over the last seven years and discusses what is the way forward:

Worrying is police’ behaviour towards members of public whilst on duty and the alleged association with crime groups to create fear. [..] In reality, policing has failed to deliver to public satisfaction due to lack of effective strategy and intra-organizational arrangements to cut crime and proactively police.

From crime recording, public engagement, enforcement to investigation, it is evident that policing is ineffective in these areas. [..]

Right now the policing landscape in Maldives fails to perform and deliver through arrangements akin to democratic principles. It is of utmost importance that a police reform bill paves way to create a policing architecture that holds police accountable to its public and public say is counted in how they are policed.