It's well known that every aspiring beauty queen must answer a difficult question in the interview portion of the contest. Also well known are some of the answers that contestants have given, answers that earned them more publicity than their good looks ever did.
The most recent of those answers was given by Mexican Mariana Morres during the semifinal of the Miss Our Latin Beauty 2015, which has circulated online. The question: “Which partner would you choose to preserve the human species in case of a nuclear holocaust?” Torres answered: “A couple of chimpanzees… You know, due to the theory we come from there, so…”
As expected, Twitter users didn't waste any time in commenting:
#MarianaTorres, finalista de #NuestraBellezaLatina, metió la pata al contestar una pregunta
— Wonderwall Latino (@WWLatino) abril 10, 2015
Mariana Torres, finalist in Miss Our Latin Beauty really stepped in it while answering a question.
¡Qué maravilla! Fan número 1 de la sabiduría de las reinas. Jajaja — Biviana Unger (@BivianaUnger) abril 10, 2015
Wonderful! Number 1 fan of beauty queen wisdom. Hahaha.
Mariana Torres hace el ridículo y pierde final de Nuestra Belleza Latina Diario Dom Digital — DiarioDom Digital (@DiarioDom) abril 10, 2015
Mariana Torres makes a fool of herself and loses the final at Miss Our Latin Beauty.
Although some were sympathetic:
Ni se burlen de Nuestra Belleza Mariana Torres y su chimpancé, en un futuro puede llegar a ser pareja de algún político.
— Compa Fer (@fergarvaz) abril 10, 2015
Don't make fun of Miss Our Beauty Mariana Torres and her chimpanzee, in the future she could become the partner of some politician.
I LOVED the politician part :D
Well… Humanity would get another chance then.