Ximena Gutiérrez, a Nicaraguan mother, recovered her child who was detained by his father at the German Embassy in Nicaragua.
Arun was taken to the Embassy's office in Managua by his father, a German citizen. Considering the unwillingness to leave the place, the little child's mother reported to the authorities and media that her child was ¨kidnapped¨.
Immediately, tens of people mobilized in social media in favour of the Nicaraguan mother:
Amigos y familiares demandan devolución de menor nica retenido en embajada de #Alemania en #Nicaragua #cronicatn8 pic.twitter.com/AqzZ1Be3wd
— Jimmy Altamirano (@JimmyATN8) March 17, 2015
Friends and family request Nicaraguan kid's return detained at German customs in Nicaragua.
German ambassador in Nicaragua Karl-Otto König, in his statements to the media, explained that both father and child have German nationalities and this European country's law says that they have the right to consular protection.
According to Gutiérrez, the child legally lives with her in Nicaragua since August.
Un hombre secuestra a su propio hijo, ideay, y el tipo se refugia e embajada de #Alemania, pero claro tenía q ser en #Nicaragua
— ivett blandon (@TeviTorrez) March 17, 2015
A man kidnaps his own son (what?!) and he took refuge at German customs. He had to be from Nicaragua, of course!
König and Minister of Family Affairs Marcia Ramírez agreed that it is a family and not a political-related issue.
The child was placed in the custody of his mother, according to the ambassador, who did not want to give more details because “it is a merely family issue.”
No details, so who knows what was going on in this case. Generally the kid is far better of in Germany than in Nicaragua for health, study, future and so on. So whats the mothers game in this; I really doubt if she wants the best for her kid and think she only wants the best for herself and this is her game to get the maximum from her former man.
Many are revenge minded in Nicaragua, so there might even be the mothers threat that the father never sees his kid again. He might have been better off going to Costa Rica and reporting to the authorities and organizations there. More risky; first if all papers are ok to pass the border and then Nicaragua for sure this will consider as kidnapping if the mother has all rights and not sure is how international treaties and Interpol will handle that.
It appears the kid also wanted to his father in Germany, simply as its un-imaginable that an embassador holds a kid against his will. Now hoping the embassy and Minster of Family affairs continue to monitor and solve the situation, because Nicaragua is very corrupt and in favor of their own citizens to extort foreigners.
There is an extremely anti-paternal bias in Nicaragua. And the quaint nationalism here will never allow people to admit that almost any child would be better off in Germany than in Nicaragua.
And the saga continues. Please raise your voices in support of the father, Michael Sahm, who has legal custody of the child. The mother has tried slander, disappearing with the son for weeks at a time and flat out refuses to comply with the legal agreement (which she signed – twice!) that Arun lives in Germany. He is currently undergoing a sham trial in Nicaragua. As Arun is German, American and Nicaraguan, support from any of these countries help. All details are at #FreeArun se #LibreArun https://www.facebook.com/freearun/
#FreeArun https://www.facebook.com/200823376627607/videos/990856000957670/?permPage=1