At the launching of MéxicoLeaks, a platform that collects leaked information about possible corruption, journalist Carmen Aristegui and her research team declared that they would back the project. This lead MVS Radio, their employer, to fire Aristegui's collaborators, Daniel Lizarraga and Iriving Huerta, for supposedly compromising the company name. In response, Aristegui demanded that the radio station rehire Lizarraga and Huerta, after which the company let her go as well.
This led to an outcry of support from followers on Twitter, who openly displayed their indignation for MVS News with the hashtags #EnDefensaDeAristegui (Defending Aristegui), #EnDefenesaDeAristegui2, and #AristeguiSeQueda (Aristegui stays). Users also discussed the state of freedom of expression in Mexico.
Mi apoyo para Aristegui, #AristeguiSeQueda
— Katarina Marsal (@KatarinaMarsal) marzo 16, 2015
I support Aristegui.
The Power of a Woman's Voice
“By censuring Carmen Aristegui, we all lose, as does Mexico's democratic process. We cannot help but think that her forced removal is connected to the critical attitude that this brave and magnificent journalist has demonstrated throughout her successful carrer.
México #NoTeCalles No perdamos la dignidad! #EnDefensaDeAristegui
— Diana E. González (@dianaegzz) marzo 16, 2015
Mexico, #NoTeCalles [don't be silent]. Let's not lose our dignity!
¿Despiden a Aristegui? Nosotros los mexicanos despedimos a MVS #EndefensadeAristegui2 #endefensadearistegui
— @ngie ❥๏̯͡๏Ƹ̵̡ (@angieeus) marzo 16, 2015
They fired Aristegui? We Mexicans fire MVS.
MVS is accused of being linked to the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI in Spanish).
Será?? Qué opinan? #endefensadearistegui #EndefensadeAristegui2
— IrreverenteMente (@hectorghs) marzo 16, 2015
Could it be?? What do you think?
Se te invita a bloquear a @NoticiasMVS Unfollow masivo !! Si se nota el apoyo muchas gracias. #EndefensadeAristegui2
— Anonymous México (@AnonymousMex_) marzo 16, 2015
You're invited to block @NoticiasMVS through a massive unfollowing! The support is truly felt, thank you so much.
“Due to a lack of integrity, ethics, and balls to create real journalism, participate in the massive unfollowing of @NoticiasMVS”
On the flip side, the hashtag #LárgateAristegui (Get out Aristegui) spewed criticism and verbal attacks at the Mexican journalist:
A Carmen le encanta ser el centro de atención y hacerse la víctima. Tiene complejo de mártir. #LárgateAristegui
— Alguien. (@cuasimod0) marzo 16, 2015
Carmen loves being the center of attention and playing the vicitim. She has a martyr complex.
Que bueno no queremos lesbianas asquerosas #LárgateAristegui
— carlitos (@carlito7777777) marzo 16, 2015
Good, we don't want any nasty lesbians.
The governing party, PRI, is accused of creating this hashtag:
“PRI paga a peñabots para hacer TT #LárgateAristegui, como forma de represión a la libertad de expresión” -AristeguiOnline 989,876,565 likes
— SoyBienPedote™ (@SoyBienPedote) marzo 16, 2015
The PRI pays its peñabots* to create the trending topic #LárgateAristegui as a way of repressing freedom of expression.
Peñabots are presumed to be fake accounts set up by President Peña Nieto's administration in order to counteract any opposition towards the government.