One of the most challenging motor racing in the world, Dakar will begin on January 4 and will tour three Latin American countries: Argentina, Chile and Bolivia during 13 days.
2015 edition will start from Buenos Aires on the 4th and will and will cross cities like Villa Carlos Paz, San Juan, Chilecito and heading through the Andean Montains to reach Copiapó in Chile, Antofagasta and Iquique. After that, the road splits to Uyuni, in Bolivia. The difference with 2014 edition is that Peru will not be part of the road.
Since year 2009, the competition develops in Latin America after the killings of four french citizens and three mauritanians military personnel in 2008.
Daniel Hernandez´blog in Diario Vasco tells about the previous days of vehicles shipment to Dakar 2015:
Por fin un poco de relajación.Estos días previos han sido una locura con los últimos preparativos antes del embarque del coche en Le Havre. Un total de 645 vehiculos han superado con éxito las verificaciones técnicas de rigor incluidos todos nuestros vehículos, ahora sí que podemos decir que vamos rumbo a la aventura.
You can follow all the news about #Dakar2015 through the organizers web page.