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Position-ography: ‘I Know What You Did Last Term’

Categories: Latin America, Argentina, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Politics
Gráfico extraído del blog Infoactivismo Digital, utilizado con autorización

Graphic taken from blog Infoactivismo, used with permission

During the economic and political crisis in Argentina in 2001, people shouted in the streets, “Go to hell, everyone (rulers)!” More than a decade after these events, this popular cry was transformed into a digital tool that allows voters to learn about the political background of their candidates. On Infoactivismo, there is a piece [1] about the project Cargografías [2] (roughly translated as Position-ography):

El objetivo es brindar información a la ciudadanía para la toma de decisiones durante periodos electorales y ser un recurso de utilidad para periodistas e investigadores, quienes a partir de la herramienta podrán construir sus propias historias y apoyar sus proyectos de investigación.

The aim is to give information to the constituency for decision making during election periods and serve as a useful resource for journalists and researchers, who will be able to build their own stories and support their investigation projects using the tool.

The tool allows to analyze the political career of public officers in the last 30 years and document situations that might not be found in a regular Internet search.

Project founder Andrés Snitcofsky explains his intention was to show that many officers who were in office in 2001 are still there in spite of people's complaints. Although the information already existed, until now it wasn't collected in one place. So, Cargografías began with a Google Doc and a group of friends who organized the available information that was available on their own time. That database is now available on Popit [3].

You can follow @Info_Activismo [4] and @Cargografías [5] on Twitter.

This post was part of the 29th #LunesDeBlogsGV [6] (Monday of blogs on GV) on November 17, 2014.