Stories from 26 November 2014
Authorities Take Healthy Milk Activist to Court in Serbia
Serbian authorities have increasingly been calling online activists in for questioning. Now activist Marko Živković is being called into court for publicly complaining about milk regulations 20 months ago.
National Conference on Internet Governance in Ecuador
The International Center of Research in Communication for Latin America (CIESPAL, by its name in Spanish), the Association for Progressive Communication (APC), Association of Free Software of Ecuador (ASLE), Infodesarrollo...
Mother Who Claims to Have Killed 10 Taliban Militants Becomes National Hero in Afghanistan
A woman in Farah province, Afghanistan, has shot to fame after she avenged the death of her son and fired on Taliban militants from the checkpoint where he was killed.
Iranian Facebook User Sentenced to Death
Soheil Arabi was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Mohammad on the Facebook.The Revolutionary Guards arrested Soheil Arabi on November 2013. Iranian Twitter user Velgard tweeted below about this,...
In Cricket-Crazy India, Basketball Is Quietly Empowering Girls’ Lives
Meet the girls of Gangyap, who are national level champions in basketball, a sport that was foreign in their remote mountainous village until recently.
From Apathetic Software Programmer to Award-Winning Hong Kong Citizen Journalist
Chan Chak To won Hong Kong In-Media's Best Journalism award for his first-hand account of being arrested during a rehearsal sit-in for Occupy Central earlier this year.