“They were taken alive, we want them back alive!” Ayotzinapa at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Photo by the author, J. Tadeo
The Mexican government continues to face pressure over the murders of students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural School in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, in southwest Mexico, and demands that the missing students, who disappeared more than 26 days ago, be returned alive.
In early October, Mexicans took to the streets calling for the students to be returned. People from different walks of life united for the cause. Later, the country's student community went on a 48-hour strike.
Several schools at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, which is the largest public institution of higher education in the country, as well as the Metropolitan Autonomous University, joined the movement. News and analysis website Animal Político shared a list of the schools and colleges that are participating in the strike.

Statement of the actions to be taken by the School of Law during the national strike. Photo courtesy of http://juantadeo.wordpress.com/
Website Sopitas said that more than 70 educational institutions on the national level joined the temporary suspension of activities.
Marco Zavala shared the following image:
¡La Facultad de Derecho se une al paro nacional por la lucha de los Derechos Fundamentales! pic.twitter.com/022hi5xY7X
— Marcos Zavala (@MarcosZavala365) October 22, 2014
The School of Law joins the national strike in the fight for Fundamental Rights!
Ana Lilia Mata said that the chancellor of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos joined the cause:
Rector de la UAEM encabeza protesta a favor de normalistas de Ayotzinapa pic.twitter.com/Ylhu7pjoc5
— Ana Lilia Mata (@AnaLiliaMata) October 22, 2014
President of the UAEM leads the protest in favor of the Ayotzinapa teachers
Sanjuana Martínez called for President Enrique Peña to behave respectfully towards the families of the victims of these crimes:
¿Cuánto tiempo piensa el gobierno de @EPN que puede ocultar a las víctimas de Ayotzinapa? Respeto a las familias de los 43 #EPNBringThemBack
— Sanjuana Martínez (@SanjuanaMtz) October 22, 2014
How long does the government of Enrique Peña Nieto think it can hide the victims of Ayotzinapa? Respect for the families of the 43. #EPNBringThemBack
Not everyone was in favor of the strike, however. Twitter user Joaquin expressed himself as follows in regards to the movement:
pensar que el paro nacional ayuda a mejorar las cosas es muestra del pensamiento mediocre por el que este país no sale adelante
— Joaquín (@jprecomav) October 22, 2014
Thinking that a national strike helps to improve things is proof of the mediocre thinking that prevents this country from moving forward
In this context of widespread discontent, the political firestorm cannot be underestimated. Journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva said that October 22, 2014, was a good day for the governor of Guerrero to leave and begin preparing an explanation as to why “within and outside of Mexico, the night of Iguala will pursue him for the rest of his days,” in reference to the night when the violent acts that prompted the protest occurred.
Beyond the political and legal consequences, if any, of the disastrous incidents, the human tragedy and the grief felt by the families of the students that lost their lives and those whose whereabouts are unknown should be kept in perspective.
Follow our in-depth coverage Bring Back Mexico's Missing #Ayotzinapa Students