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Uruguayans Will Elect Their President in a Runoff

Categories: Latin America, Uruguay, Citizen Media, Elections

According to a preliminary exit poll after the election in Uruguay, leftist Broad Front [1] candidate Tabaré Vásquez [2] received between 44 and 46 percent of the votes, while Luis Lacalle Pou [3] from the National Party [4] has between 31 and 34 percent. Uruguay's local media shared very similar data from three pollsters, Factum [5], Equipos [6] and Cifra [7].

Twitter users offered updates on the country's elections, with some mentioning the results in Brazil [8]‘s recent presidential election:

Favorable results for Broad Front. There will be runoff and Dilma wins (in Brazil).

Preliminary results show Tabaré and Lacalle in runoff election.

The runoff election [18] will take place on Sunday, November 30, 2014.