12 October 2014

Stories from 12 October 2014

Hometown Through the Eyes of Its Children

  12 October 2014

Chapacoco, a Peruvian village located at an altitude of 3,000 meters, part of the district of Chilcaymarca in the Arequipean province of Castilla, has been in the news thanks to its children. On October 10, 2014, the book “Chapacoco as seen from the children” was launched. The book has been...

Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution in Mathematical Formula

  12 October 2014

The above high school test paper has gone viral in Hong Kong social media in the past few days. The test question is: What are the factors that lead to the September 28 Umbrella Revolution? The student answered with a mathematical formula: 64+71+101+689+3=928. The teacher marked the paper 0 and...