Stories from 27 July 2014
Under Bombs, Gaza's Doctors Are Saving Lives and Tweeting Heartbreaking Stories Between Shifts
Doctors at an overcrowded hospital have safely delivered a baby from the corpse of a nine-month pregnant mother killed in an air strike.
‘Terrified’ Founder Decides to Shutter Hong Kong Pro-Democracy News Site ‘House News’
Some are speculating that the site was pressured to shut down as part of a wider crackdown by Beijing on Hong Kong's media.
Macedonian Authorities Claim Social Networks ‘Have Always Been Blocked’ in University Dorms
Residents of a state-run student dormitory in Skopje began an online campaign to expose the horrific living conditions. Then, access to Facebook and other websites was cut off.
Twitter “Blocks” Access to Russia's Most Infamous Hackers
Russia's Twitter users no longer have access to @b0ltai, an account belonging to a hacker collective that has leaked several Kremlin documents to the Internet over the past 7 months.
Victory Speech of Indonesia's New President
Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo or Jokowi delivered a victory speech recognizing the spirit of voluntarism among citizens: This presidential election has sparked new optimism for us, for this nation. Free...
“Shrinking Democratic Space” in Myanmar
The new United Nations Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, has concluded a visit in the country and issued an initial report about Myanmar's human rights situation: The opening up...
Doctors and Translators Are Working Together to Bridge Wikipedia's Medical Language Gap
A new project that aims to enrich Wikipedia articles related to medical subjects in many world languages has been given a $10,000 grant from the Wikimedia Foundation.
The Philippines’ ‘Anti-Corruption’ President Is Facing Impeachment Calls Over Accusations of Corruption
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, who won on an anti-corruption platform, is now accused of corruption after one of his fund programs was dismissed by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.
What Owen Arthur's Resignation Says About Barbados’ Politics
Owen Arthur has resigned from the political party he led for 14 years – a move which Barbados Underground thinks should give Barbadians pause: The incapacity of a former Prime...