Its aim is to make you think a little, or at least, get a smile. This is the description of the blog Se hace camino al andar (You make the road as you go) managed by Andres Mayorquin who from Merida, México, explain us why some people look today so much as a zombie:
Seres humanos profundamente insatisfechos con lo que han sido, con lo que son y con lo que parece, serán, pero intentando a toda costa aparentar que todo va bien. Pero les ves los ojos y estos no brillan. Platicas con ellos y se quejan de todo. Miras su facebook y sólo lees dramas, personales o ajenos. Convives de cerca y notas cómo se dedican a perjudicar al prójimo, o por lo menos a ignorarlo. Más preocupados por tener que por ser y estar. Seres sin conciencia de lo que son.
Muchos hemos olvidado, por el diario trajín, por el exceso de información que nos rodea, por la llegada de un estímulo externo tras otro, qué es lo que le da sentido a nuestra vida. Tenemos memoria pero no tenemos historia; contamos con recuerdos y anécdotas, pero desconocemos el hilo conductor que los une e integra; vemos un árbol, y otro y otro más, pero somos incapaces de darnos cuenta del bosque en el que estamos.
Human beings unsatisfied with what they have been, with what they are and what it looks like, they will be, but trying hard to look as if everything is OK. But you look at their eyes and they don't shine, You talk to them and they complain about everything. You look at their Facebook accounts and there is oinly drama, personal or other people's. You live close to them and you realize how they engage themselves in affecting their fellowmen, or at least ignoring them, They are more worried for having to being. They are not conscious of what they are.
Many of us have forgotten, due to daily life, the excess of information that surrounds us, for having an outside incentive after another, what gives sense to our life. We've got memory but not history, we have memories and accounts, but we ignore the thread of the story that unites and integrates. We see a tree, and another and another but we can't appreciate the woods that surrounds us.
You can read other interesting stories on his personal blog or in his Twitter account.