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Protesting in Venezuela Will Require Authorization

Categories: Latin America, Venezuela, Breaking News, Citizen Media, Freedom of Speech, Law, Protest

(All links are in Spanish otherwise noted as [en] for English)

As the protests [1] [en] in Venezuela draw upon 100 continuous days of demonstrations, the Venezuelan Supreme Tribunal of Justice's recent verdict [2] rules  [3]that the right to protest “is not an absolute right.” In order to carry out any type of demonstration, one needs to have an express permit from the corresponding mayor's office. 

Humberto Decarli writes [4] on the blog, El Libertario [The Libertarian], about a punitive focus of the constitution's consecrated right. 

During one of his interminable speeches, the late president asserted that authorization is not needed in order to protest or express opinions in public spaces. Nevertheless, a Copernican twist happens in the “revolution's” military political committee, this being understood that a right as important as this requires a non-existent blessing. 

Reactions on Twitter show equal rejection. 

Enough said!!!!!

When the scroungers ask for permission to KILL, we'll ask for permission to PROTEST.

There are also those who agree with the regulation, even though they have to use false information.

Hey Ciberguarimberos [cyber guarimberos], stateless ones, before criticizing our TSJ [Supreme Tribunal of Justice], check out how protests are in your beloved U.S.A. 

Why don't guarimbas exist in the United States? Sanctions: 30 years jail for attacking security agents or civilians with dangerous weapons. 10 years jail for calling to pressure the government from a public setting. Up to 35 years jail time for causing harm to security agents. 25 years imprisonment for destruction or harm to facilities or vehicles. 10 years jail for supporting or financing an unauthorized demonstration. 6 months detention for foreigners that participate in a protest.

It is worth clarifying that the term “guarimberos [9]” is used for the people that carry out barricades and street blockades as a means of protesting.  

Twitter user @ProtestaCivil posts an article of the constitution affected by the tribunal's decision. 

Article 350 and 68 for those that don't know and so that it's clear for the Sapos.

Article 68: Citizens have the right to protest, peacefully and without weapons, without any other requirements that the law establishes. The use of firearms and toxic substances is prohibited during peaceful demonstrations. The law will regulate police action and the security in control of public order.