This week's GV Face comes to you live from São Paulo, Brazil where government, civil society and corporate representatives from around the world gathered this week at NETMundial to hash out a “roadmap” for global Internet governance in a post-Snowden world.
Ellery Biddle of Global Voices Advocacy is joined by Marianne Diaz and Ben Wagner.
1 comment
The internet does not require governance of any sort, this is best left to the users of the medium, and NOT any government agency!
Every time government gets involved in rule making and ‘governing’, the end result is a destruction of the free exchange of ideas, practices and information, and always includes restrictions and taxation. Governments do ot have a right to ‘free’ money, nor any financial support by forced regulation that they were never empowered to control or benefit from in the first place. Government never does for the people first, and itself second, it is always the opposite effect, and always supremely detrimental to the people supporting it.