NETmundial, which will bring together people from a variety of backgrounds to discuss the principles of Internet governance, is set to be held in São Paulo on 23 and 24 April 2014. It will also have 33 remote hubs in 31 cities spread throughout 22 countries that will allow for real-time interaction with the event in São Paulo.
Hubs for remote participation in Asia includes five locations in India, one in Hong Kong and one in Indonesia. Tomoya Inyaku, the former director at Japan Computer Access Network [ja] which promotes empowerment through information and communication technology, lamented the lack of a hub in Japan:
インターネットの将来的ガバナンスを議論するNetMundial、ブラジル・サンパウロで4月23日、24日に開かれる。英語 世界22カ国にハブが作られるのだが、インドネシアはあるのに日本がない。ネット上の権利つながりたい — INYAKU Tomoya 印鑰 智哉 (@tomo_nada) 2014, 4月 6
NETmundial will be held in São Paulo on April 23 and 24 to discuss the future of Internet governance. They write that they will have hubs in 22 countries around the world. There will be hubs to participate in the discussion from Indonesia, but there is none in Japan. Wish I could connect to talk about rights online.
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