Brazilian journalist and activist Carlos Carlos posted [pt] a list of the most important “Brazilian songs that denounce the police” on his blog, Bola e Arte. He explains:
Now it is trendy to make lists, right? and amid so many useless lists, Bola e Arte blog has prepared a selection of (Brazilian) songs of all genres (rap, samba, rock, reggae, funk etc…) with direct denouncements of arbitrary actions of police corporations. With so many sharp denouncements, could it be that these are all lies??? Or an effective reality, especially in the peripheries across Brazil (and the world)??
I dedicate this list to the mothers of Movimento Mães de Maio [Mothers of May Movement, that was created after the death of around 500 young people in a police action in the state of São Paulo, May 2006], who have lived (and still live) through these coward, discussing injustices! We're together until the end, against gray rats!!!
The list comes at a time when a widespread debate in Brazil has been sparked by violence in massive protests, following the latest wave of demonstrations that has swept the country since June 2013.
The song below “Who polices the police?”, by “Zumbi Somos Nós”, is one of the 27 tunes that the collaborative list already includes:
More suggestions can be added in the comments section of Bola e Arte blog.