Ukraine's protests and change of power in Kiev were covered with enthusiasm in Iran's media. While Iranian officials saw a Western plot led by the United States and Europe, Iranians who once staged mass protests against their own regime were reminded of a revolution that eluded them.
Iran's minister of justice said Ukraine can't be compared to Iran, but many Iranians draw parallels to Green Movement protests after the presidential election in 2009.
Iranian blogger Abgosht writes [fa] that there are several reasons why Ukraine (and Tunisia) where able to accomplish what Iranians failed to do:
The short and useful answer is that the red line for Ukraine's and Tunisia's [opposition] movement leaders was democracy, while the Iranian ones would maintain the regime's [establishment] framework… their people are not traitors, their police and security forces are good people, ours are thugs who believe national interests take priority over individual ones.
On Twitter, Sarah makes fun of the head of the Iranian military forces, Hassan Firoozabadi who said that “Ukraine's revolution was escaping from independence toward dependency.”
She tweeted [fa] quoting Iranian writer, Ebrahim Nabavi:
من نمی دانم چرا مقامات ایران بیشتر از مردم اوکراین و لبنان و فلسطین و عراق دل شان برای استقلال این کشورها می سوزد؟ "ابراهیم نبوی"
— سارا (@SaraSaraDehghan) February 25, 2014
I don't know why Iranian officials, more than the citizens of Ukraine, Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon seem to be so preoccupied with these countries’ independence.
Free Democratic Iran tweeted, quoting a headline from the very conservative Iranian newspaper, Keyhan:
woaw, Kayhan is out: "Orange forces took the power again in Ukraine with US & EU help"! [fa]
— Free Democratic Iran (@democraticiran) February 22, 2014
@_Cafe tweeted with irony:
ما سی سال از اوکراین جلوتریم فقط برای اینکه بگیم سی سال جلوتریم باید نیم ساعت با فیلترشکن ور بریم که اینم نشون دهنده چیز خاصی نیست
— Cafe (@_Cafe) February 22, 2014
We are ahead of Ukraine. That's why I need anti-filtering software to be able to write these few words on the internet.
Nima Akbarpour tweeted [fa]:
اتفاقات #اوکراین من رو یاد فیلم زاپاتا میاندازه. انقلابیون دولت تشکیل میدن و خودشون راه دولت قبل رو پیش میگیرند
— Nima Akbarpour (@nima) February 22, 2014
Ukraine's situation reminds me of Zapata's movie where the revolutionaries conquer power and then follow the same path.
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