A student in Kyiv, Ukraine tweeted from morning till past midnight on the day of a violent standoff between protesters and police which led to as many as 25 deaths and many hundreds wounded.
On this day, February 18, 2014, the Ukrainian Parliament failed to limit the powers of President Viktor Yanukovych, the main target of the protests that have continued for three months on Maidan Nezalezhnosti [Independence Square].
Below are selected tweets @Mira_mp who witnessed events first-hand as a protester in the square, and eventually as a volunteer at a hospital to help the wounded.
Her first tweets reflect the beginning of the clashes:
і знову я надихаюсь цього газу.
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Looks like I will breathe in more than enough of this gas, again.
на Грушевського знову горять шини)
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
On Hrushevskogo [street where first clashes broke out a month earlier] tires are burning again)
в Маріїнці тітушкам кричать "раби" і показують гроші)) вони соромляться і відвертають голови #Євромайдан
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
In [Mariinsky park] people are shouting “slaves!” to titushki [thugs hired by the government to beat and intimidate protesters] and show them money)) they get embarrassed and turn their heads away
зараз горить намет в Маріїнці. взагалі, тут відбувається щось незрозуміле. і зв'язку практично немає
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
A tent in [Mariinsky park] is burning right now. In general, it is unclear what is going on here. and hardly any [cell phone] connection is available.
Her next tweets are sent on the way to a hospital. The time stamps indicate that it was after the police and special forces started cracking down on protesters near the parliament.
їдемо в лікарню. в 2 татових друзів серйозні травми голови і руки. ця революція стає війною.
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
We are going to a hospital. Two of my dad's friends have serious injuries – to the head and arm. this revolution is turning into a war.
There were concerns that police might arrest those who report injuries, and she tweeted:
напевно не варто їхати в лікарню. краще в аптеку, обробити рани і везти їх додому
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Maybe we should not got to a hospital. Just stop by a pharmacy, treat their wounds and get them home.
Later on, she returned to Maidan to follow events in the parliament.
тепер ми знову на Майдані. надіюсь, Бо прийде в себе, в нього поранення в голову.
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Now we are back to Maidan. I hope Bo regains consciousness, he has a head injury.
Дивились включення з ВР. якась бабуся: "і за цих виродків голосували сусіди? сьогодні зроблю їм!" я люблю цих людей!)
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
We were watching a live broadcast from the [parliament]. Some old lady: “These are the bastards my neighbors voted for? today they will be in trouble!” I love these people!)
На Майдані дивляться стріми. жінок та чоловіків без захисту не пропускають
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
[People] are following Livestreams on Maidan. Women and men without [helmets and other protective clothing] are not allowed inside.
"Рибака забрали швидкою" реакція людей- хтось знає номер швидкої? кинемо коктейлі!
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Rybak [Speaker of the Parliament] was taken away in an ambulance. Reaction of the protesters – does anyone know what ambulance it was? we should throw [molotov] cocktails!
3 померлих. мирний наступ перейшов у війну
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Three people [reported] dead. Peaceful protest has turned into a war.
Беркут стріляє і кидає каміння з глобусу #євромайдан
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
Berkut [special forces unit] is shooting [at us] and throwing stones from Globus [a shopping center on Maidan].
На вулиці величезна к-ть людей. метро не працює, багато людей йдуть на Майдан
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
A huge crowd on the street. Metro is shut down, many are walking to Maidan.
Через 7 хвилин буде 18.00. не перестаю захоплюватись кожним, хто залишився на Майдані! тут багато літніх людей і жінок!
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
7 minutes to 6pm [the deadline government has set for protesters to leave]. I am endlessly proud of everyone who has stayed on Maidan! There are many elderly people and women here!
As special forces began storming Maidan numerous injuries were reported on both sides. Protesters called on women and children to leave the site of clashes.
не можу бути вдома. йду в лікарню на Шовковича
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
I cannot stay at home. Going to a hospital on Shovkovycha [street].
не можу брехати батькам і Дену. але і не йти на Майдан також не можу. вимкнений телефон – немає запитань
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
I cannot lie to parents and Dan. But I cannot stay away from Maidan either. Switch off the cell phone and no questions [can be] asked.
Her next tweet is from the hospital.
лікарі нічого не кажуть про стан Бо. я не можу читати новини по тві, до того ж в мене сідає батарея. зустрінемось там
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
The doctors are saying nothing about Bo's condition. I cannot read updates on [Twitter] and my battery is dying. I'll see you there.
приїхали в 17 лікарню. тут величезна кількість поранених людей! приходять кияни і забирають додому неважких потерпілих #Євромайдан
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 18, 2014
We came to hospital No 17. There's a huge number of injured people here! Kyevers come and take home those with less serious wounds.
багато крові і трупів.
це найстрашніша ніч в моєму житті
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 19, 2014
So much blood and dead bodies. This is the scariest night of my life.
в мене на руках помер хлопець, якому прострелили голову і живіт. цю ніч я ніколи не забуду.
— Mira (@Mira_mp) February 19, 2014
A young man shot in the head and stomach died in my arms. I will never forget this night.
This post is part of our special coverage on Ukraine's #EuroMaidan protests.