22 January 2014

Stories from 22 January 2014

How the Vietnamese are Using Facebook Pages

  22 January 2014

Despite being regularly blocked by the government, Facebook continues to grow in terms of users in Vietnam. Patrick Sharbaugh of Vietmeme explains how Vietnamese are maximizing Facebook pages: …they don’t...

Rule of Law Overturned in Nauru

  22 January 2014

The government of the tiny pacific island nation of Nauru has caused a legal and political storm by getting rid of its senior judiciary.

As Darkness Falls – Berlin Conference

  22 January 2014

Berlin is welcoming the digital intelligentsia to a conference this weekend (January 25-26) on “self-empowerment in the age of digital control”. Speakers at the event, As Darkness Falls, include Jacob...

Trinidad & Tobago: Hair You Have It

  22 January 2014

As my hair started to emerge in all its mad curly glory I became overwhelmed by a sense of how completely we have been made to hate ourselves. Tillah Willah...