[Links are to Spanish-language pages.]
Since the middle of December 2013, many Argentine provinces have been experiencing power outages, aggravating the discomfort caused by unusually high temperatures. Buenos Aires is the province hardest hit, but the heat wave is affecting the whole country, with record highs that have led to an increase in energy consumption.
Following explanations about the deficiencies of Argentina's energy grid and the privatization of public services that took place during the 1990s, the average citizen is complaining and demanding better. Even Christmas Eve was not immune to power outages.
The government's response to the situation is inadequate according to Gerardo Fernandez‘s blog:
como que da cosita que a esta altura de los acontecimientos salgan el jefe de gabinete o el ministro de Planificación a hacerse los cojudos con amenazas a las empresas distribuidoras que, la verdad, nadie toma en serio y que si llegaran transformarse en una quita de licencia no cambiarían en mucho el panorama que estamos padeciendo.
It is nauseating that under the circumstances, the chief of staff or the Minister of Planning can come out at this point and act like cretins threatening the companies that distribute power, which in truth nobody takes seriously, and that even if their licenses were actually revoked, the outlook of the situation we are suffering through would not change much.
On 28 December, the hashtag #RenuncieCFK [Resign Cristina Fernández de Kirchner] became a trending topic for Argentines voicing their complaints about the lack of response to the lack of electricity, as evidenced by Robsten:
#RenuncieCFK Increible que no tengamos luz, pais mas tercermundista imposible!
— Robsten (@LaChotaDeRob) diciembre 29, 2013
#RenuncieCFK Incredible that we have no light, it doesn't get more Third World than this!
There was also anger at government officials away on holiday:
#RenuncieCFK Mientras la gente sufre por los cortes de luz, el secretario de Energía juega al golf http://t.co/lsCxHWIAJU
— L-ARGO YUDA. (@ohsamaisalive) diciembre 28, 2013
#RenuncieCFK While people suffer in the dark, the Energy Secretary is playing golf http://t.co/lsCxHWIAJU
And the power outages in seniors’ homes, as tweeted by Vale Anti K:
#30Dcacerolazo #RenuncieCFK #RenuncieCFK LOS GERIATRICOS NO TIENEN NI LUZ NI AGUA .A la calle
— Vale Anti k (@Valeriasol26) diciembre 29, 2013
Retirement homes have neither light nor water. Take it to the streets.
Meanwhile, those who support the government, created the hashtag #CFKTieneAguante [CFK TrueGrit] where Moni AKD approved of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's administration:
Cristina sos única, los ignorantes que hoy piden tu renuncia en tres años van a pedir a gritos que vuelvas. #CFKTieneAguante !!!!!
— Moni AKD (@AKDMoni) diciembre 29, 2013
Cristina you are unique, the ignoramuses that today call for your resignation in three years will be begging you to come back. #CFKTieneAguante !!!!!
Or as Daniel wrote, continuing to support President Kirchner's handling of things despite the power outages:
#CFKtieneAguante hace 3 dias q estoy sin luz y si es para bancar este modelo puedo estar 200 dias mas sin luz viva cfk, nestor y viva peron
— daniel (@tetrapampa) diciembre 29, 2013
#CFKtieneAguante it's been 3 days without light and if this is what it takes to support the model I can go 200 days more without light long live cfk, Nestor and long live Peron.
The high temperaturas will continue until January 1, 2014, according to the National Meteorological Service‘s forecast. Will the power outages continue until then?
For her part, Luciano Lugo tweets a fake Christmas card from the Provincial Energy Company of Santa Fe (known as EPE):
La EPE les deja un saludito para las fiestas a todos! #OlaDeCalor pic.twitter.com/B48zeG4aAx
— Luciano Lugo (@Luciano434) diciembre 16, 2013
The EPE wishes you all happy holidays! #OlaDeCalor pic.twitter.com/B48zeG4aAx
(Small image by El Cipayo.)