You've been reading their stories and have been following them on Twitter for years, but have you ever met the Global Voices authors and translators covering your countries?
This winter we launched our first official global in-person ‘meetups’ led and facilitated by Global Voices members, who live and know those local communities in six countries.
And we are already half-way through!
In this week's episode of GVFace, I spoke to:
Eddie Avila, Director Rising Voices, live from Cochabamba, Bolivia
Mohamed ElGohary, Lingua Coordinator Global Voices, live from Egypt
Faisal Kapadia, Lingua Urdu Editor, live from Karachi, Pakistan
Sara Moreira, Portuguese Language Editor, live from Porto, Portugal
They shared their experiences of bringing the virtual Global Voices mission, energy and love to very real offline audiences in their countries.
In Karachi, Kampala, Cairo and Skopje dozens of participants have already met GV members who facilitated peer learning and knowledge sharing in the field of citizen media. And #GVMeetup facilitators are getting ready to woe audiences in Porto and Phnom Penh next!
More information on our Google + event page.