Lebanese Man Microwaves Cat

A Lebanese man microwaved a cat, while his friend filmed the process. Blogger Joey Ayoub tracks down the culprits

A Lebanese man microwaved a cat, while his friend filmed the process. Blogger Joey Ayoub tracks down the culprits

A video of a young Lebanese man microwaving a live cat has gone viral. It seems that one man microwaved the cat – for kicks – while the other filmed him – and uploaded the video to Facebook. Blogger Joey Ayoub posts a call to identify the culprits on his blog and manages to track one of them down:

The cat seemed to have suffered a few (hopefully) minor burns but is not dead. I’ll remove the video as soon as the cat is found. The only reason I’m posting this video is because NGOs are already looking for him to confiscate the cat and get him/her the adequate care.


If you know where he is please let us know.

Ayoub names the culprits, saying:

Mohammad Jallad and Hassan Hammoud, if you’re reading this, we’re asking you to hand over the cat to NGOs such as Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (BETA) (70-248765) and Animals Lebanon (01-751678). Both are very easy to contact and will have someone collect the cat as soon as possible. There isn’t, can’t possible be, any justifications for what you did. It is sick, horrific and just plain wrong.

He adds:

Luckily, the cat seemed to have survived. Unluckily, your names are soon going to be – if they aren’t already – associated with sadistic tendencies often found in criminals of the worst kind. I am talking of the notorious connection between the pleasure of inflicting pain on animals and that very same pleasure later felt in the presence of human pain. This isn’t looking very good.

According to Ayoub, Hammoud microwaved the cat, while Jallad filmed him.

A reader comments:

No need indeed to watch the video.Exposing publicly the names of animal abusers for the first time on a social media in Lebanon is a big step for animal rights.You deserve all our respect,we animal lovers!

On Twitter, netizens were as angry.

Ahmad Yassine notes:

And Philip Farra dares the police to take action:


  • pantha rahman reza

    these guys are sick. they need treatment.

  • Guest

    Allah Akbar. Mohammad cat does not want Cheezburger.

  • Eric

    Get a brain scan going on that guy during a battery of tests of empathy and morality systems, you’ll probably find some serious psychological problems. My guess is the anterior cingulate gyrus.

    That module is associated with and responsible for the modulation of emotional response and empathy. Animals with this module damaged do not show empathy.

  • […] le politiche del social network, ma prima sono stati identificati gli autori del gesto, riporta Global Voices Online. Inoltre è stata creata una pagina nella quale si chiede che i due, Hasan Hammoud e Mohammad […]

  • steveB

    Arabs …am not surprised

    • joeyayoub

      I denounced it and I’m an Arab. The person writing this article is an Arab. The vast majority of those who called for this man to be punished were Arabs. The man leading the campaign was an Arab comedian along with two Arab Animal Rights NGOs.

      So yes, Arabs.

      • ks

        Just let this guy say whatever he wants you would be surprised how stupid and ignorant these people can be and they are freaking stupid I mean as in mentally retarded and the ironic part is that they think they are smart…. and they say arabs are closed minded :/ they should get there heads out of there asses and start seeing who are the real closed minded society is !!!

    • ks

      Stupid shit filled closed minded brain of yours is amazing !! You faggot I’d rather be an arab than a stupid racist like you.. as if there are no wackos like your self out there !!! It pisses me off whenever someone so stupid and so ignorant comments like that whenever clearly the person commenting doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground… but like I said…. stupid ignorant racist !

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