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Kazakhstanis Divided on Whether Home Is Really Best

Categories: Central Asia & Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Citizen Media, Migration & Immigration

A debate about why some Kazakhstanis stay in their country while others choose to emigrate has unfolded online. It started after Daniyar posted his “What Is Keeping You in Kazakhstan? [1]” [ru] on yvizion.kz. The blogger identified seven main reasons why he preferred to stay in the country:

#1. Великая история…

#2. Гражданин РК…

#3. Женщины… Я люблю наших женщин…

#4. Природа…

#5. Друзья…

#6. Президент РК. Огромное спасибо, нашему президенту Назарбаеву Нурсултану Абишевичу.

#7. Любовь… к родине…

1. [The country's] great history…

2. [Being] a citizen of [Kazakhstan]…

3. Women… I love our women…

4. [The country's] nature…

5. Friends…

6. President of [Kazakhstan]. Lots of thanks to our dear president, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

7. Love… for Motherland… 

The blog has so far drawn more than 110 comments, with most comments following the line of “East or West, Home is Best”.

The discussion has prompted another blogger, Artyom Volkov, to look at the issue from an opposite angle. In his “What Is Driving You to Leave Kazakhstan? [2]” [ru], Volkov named five problems leading young people to want to try their luck abroad:

1. Низкое качество высшего образования…

2. Фальшивая демократия…

3. Страх перед будущим…

4. Проблемы с трудоустройством…

5. Экология…

1. Low quality of higher education…

2. Fake democracy…

3. [Uncertain] future…

4. Difficulties with finding jobs…

5. Environmental [problems].