9 October 2013

Stories from 9 October 2013

Chinese Netizens React: What is Patriotism?

  9 October 2013

In the wake of the National Holidays, China's state media CCTV interviewed people on the streets and asked: “what is patriotism?”. You can imagine the huge gap in response between young...

Singapore’s Tuition Craze

  9 October 2013

Private tuition or tutoring centers are proliferating in Singapore as parents continue to spend more money to improve the education of their children. Is this good or bad?

Underwear Bombardment on North Korea?

  9 October 2013

A Swedish underwear brand launched a ridiculous Ad campaign entitled ‘Weapons of the Mass Seduction’ that pledges to drop 450 pairs of free underwear to the country voted the most in the poll on...