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Open Screenplay Competition at the Barranquilla Creative Commons Film Festival

Categories: Latin America, Colombia, Arts & Culture, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Film, Law
free screenplay competition CC

Can you make a short film in one month?

The next Creative Commons Film Festival [1] [es] in Colombia will have a display of creativity thanks to a short film competition based on open screenplays.

The festival is scheduled to take place in the city of Barranquilla [2] from October 23-26, 2013.

Organizers invite producers and fans of audiovisual works to make a production based on one of the five screenplays under a Creative Commons license [3] which are hosted on the festival website [4] [es]:

Buscando ampliar la cantidad y variedad de productos audiovisuales libres, este año durante el Tercer Festival de Cine Creative Commons estaremos llevando a cabo el experimento #guioneslibres en el cual un grupo de 5 guionistas han escrito y liberado con licencia Creative Commons varios guiones para ser producidos y realizados por diversos equipos audiovisuales a nivel mundial.

Looking to increase the amount and variety of free audiovisual content, this year during the third Creative Commons Film Festival we will be carrying out the #guioneslibres [#openscreenplays] experiment, in which a group of five screenplay writers have written and freely made several screenplays available through a Creative Commons license to be produced and performed by a diverse audiovisual team on a global scale.

The Colombian Association of University Communications Departments and Programs (abbreviated as AFACOM in Spanish) posted a note about the competition [5] [es] where they explain how the Creative Commons licenses work:

¿Creative commons?
Las licencias Creative Commons son unas licencias de derechos de autor más flexibles que el Copyright. El autor determina qué usos se le pueden dar a su obra, permitiendo una mayor flexibilidad al momento de difundir sus contenidos. Gracias a estas licencias han sido posibles la aparición de nuevos modelos de producción y distribución de contenidos, donde el autor y el público cobran protagonismo al reducirse los intermediarios.

What are Creative Commons licenses?
Creative Commons licenses are a group of licenses which are rights given by an author and are more flexible than a Copyright. An author determines what uses are permissible for his or her work, allowing for more flexibility when works are disseminated. Thanks to these licenses, new ways of production and distribution of works are possible, where the author and the audience become more important as the middleman is eliminated.

In the festival [4] [es] website they explain the idea behind the open screenplay competition:

#GuionesLibres es un sencillo experimento, una forma de entender las nuevas lógicas de la creación audiovisual colectiva sin más pretensiones que mostrar que en la actualidad la creatividad no tiene que ver con fronteras.

#GuionesLibres is a simple experiment, a way of understanding the logic of collective audiovisual works with no more pretensions than to show that these days creativity has no limits.

They also share the competition methodology:

Photo of festiccbquilla on Flickr (CC BY 2.0) [6]

Photo of festiccbquilla on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Antes de la fecha límite marcada los realizadores o grupos de realizadores deben enviar a organizadores el link en Youtube o Vimeo donde visualizar su cortometraje o enviar el mismo por http://wetransfer.com [7] al email festiccbquilla@gmail.com [8] junto con los siguientes datos:
– Nombre guión escogido.
– Director: Nombre, dirección, teléfono, celular, email.
– Productor: Nombre, dirección, teléfono, celular, email.
– Información de Integrantes del equipo realizador con sus cargos y listado de créditos completo.
 – Créditos de obras musicales, fotografías o cualquier otro contenido licenciado con Creative Commons usado en la realización del cortometraje.

Before the deadline noted, the producers or groups of producers should send to organizers the link on Youtube or Vimeo where their short film may be seen or send it through http://wetransfer.com [7] to the email festiccbquilla@gmail.com [8] together with the following information:
– Name of screenplay chosen.
– Director: Name, address, phone, cell phone, email.
– Producer: Name, address, phone, cell phone, email.
– Information about members of the production team with their responsibilities and list of complete credits.
 – Credits for musical acts, photographs or any other content licensed under Creative Commons used in the production of the short film.

And they reveal the prizes that the winners will receive:

Primer Puesto Categoría Internacional: 1 Cámara Go Pro Hero 3 + Diploma de Primer Puesto + Merchandising del Festival.
Primer Puesto Categoría Nacional: 1 Cámara Go Pro Hero 3 + Diploma de Primer Puesto  + Merchandising del Festival.
Primer Puesto Categoría Local: 1 Cámara Go Pro Hero 3 + Diploma de Primer Puesto  + Merchandising del Festival.  

First Place International Category: 1 Go Pro Hero 3 Camera + First Place Diploma + Festival Merchandize.
First Place National Category: 1 Go Pro Hero 3 Camera + First Place Diploma  + Festival Merchandize.
First Place Local Category: 1 Go Pro Hero 3 Camera + First Place Diploma  + Festival Merchandize.  

As Angie Cabrera from Barranquilla says, the call is international:

You don't necessarily have to be in Barranquilla to participate, producers from any part of the world are invited!

You can follow news about the festival and the competition on Twitter [11][es] and on Facebook [12][es].

The deadline to send short films is this coming October 13th.

Come on and participate!