Peruvian Blogger with Parkinson's Disease Publishes Book

Peruvian blogger Cyrano, from the blog Columna 17 [es], has published his book “El párkinson y yo” (Parkinson's and me), where he shares his daily life as a patient with this medical condition, and he announced it [es] on his blog:

Se trata de un relato desde mi experiencia como paciente con el mal de Parkinson, con un breve recuento de mi vida con esta condición médica, de mis peripecias cotidianas sazonadas con anécdotas graciosas y de las otras, desde que aparecieron las primeras manifestaciones hasta estos momentos […] en un lenguaje de fácil comprensión que, espero sea del agrado de todos.

This is a recount from my experience as a patient with Parkinson's disease, with a short account of my life with this medical condition, about my daily events spiced up with funny stories and some of the other ones, from the moment the first symptoms appeared until these days […] using an easily understandable language which I hope you'll all like.

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