Stories from 12 August 2013
Vladimir Putin's Solitary PR Stunt
Over the past months the Kremlin has given Russian bloggers more than the usual amount of fodder to ridicule the government and President Vladimir Putin.
Whistleblower Protection Urged to Fight Corruption in East Timor
Jose Antonio Belo, editor of Tempo Semanal, discussed the anti-corruption crusade of the paper in East Timor. He also urged the passage of a Whistleblower Protection legislation to fight corruption....
Remembering the 1988 Student Revolt in Myanmar
Aung Zaw, the founding editor in chief of the Irrawaddy magazine, recalls the historic 1988 student uprising in Myanmar: As a student at that time, I can clearly remember the...
Intense Debate Over Changes in Puerto Rico's Political Status
What does the future hold for Puerto Rico's political status? The Caribbean island has been a U.S. territory—or colony, according to some—for more than a century.
Iran: A New Internet Report
Small Media reports that”despite the introduction of new mechanisms to block tools used to bypass the filtering mechanism [in Iran], by July [a couple of weeks after presidential election] the...
Cartoons Magazine Raises Funds for Brazil's Free Fare Movement
Magazine that has collected cartoons about the protests in Brazil now available to buy online.
Turkmenistan's “Book of the Soul” Facing Difficult Times
Turkmenistan's first president once suggested reading his "Book of the Soul" three times could guarantee a person's place in heaven. Now the book's place in public life is under siege.