Football player Christian Rogelio Benítez Betancourt died on July 29, 2013, as the official page of the Qatari club El Jaish announced. The unexpected passing of “Chucho” Benítez (as he was also known) was the result of reasons that are still unknown.
In Mexico (the country where Benítez played last season making it to the championship with Club América) journalist Paola Rojas (@Paola_Rojas_H) [es] was one of the first to report the news known:
Medios ecuatorianos informan que murió el goleador “Chucho Benítez” por un paro cardíaco.
— Paola Rojas (@Paola_Rojas_H) July 29, 2013
The Ecuadorian media is reporting that the goal-scoring “Chucho Benítez” has died from a heart attack.
Several followers of the above-mentioned Mexican club expressed their grief. This was the case of Twitter user Jessy (@_Jessy19) [es], who remembered the achievements of Benítez in this way:
Chucho Benítez te fuiste del América: 79 partidos jugados,52goles,TriCAmpeón de goleo y CAMPEÓN… ¡Gracias CHUCHO! Te vamos a extrañar.
— Jಲssy♡ (@_Jessy19) July 29, 2013
Chucho Benítez you left América: 79 games played, 52goals,Three-time Top Scorer and CHAMPION… Thank you CHUCHO! We are going to miss you
Omar Cerrillo (@ocerrillo) [es], who said he was not a follower of Club América, said he felt sad, and at the same time he remembered the case of Salvador Cabañas, a football player who was shot in the head with a firearm while he served in the aforementioned club:
Que mala suerte en el #America. Primero Cabañas y ahora Benitez. Es triste, aunque uno sea antiamericanista.
— Omar Cerrillo (@ocerrillo) July 29, 2013
What bad luck for #America. First Cabañas and now Benitez. It is sad, even if you are against América.
Mexican football player Javier “Chicharito” Hernández (@CH14_) [es] wished a prompt recovery from grief for the family of Benítez:
Muy triste y en shock x la noticia del fallecimiento de Chucho Benítez, pronta resignación a su familia y seres queridos…#animoEcuador
— Chicharito Hernandez (@CH14_) July 29, 2013
Very sad and in shock from the news of the passing of Chucho Benítez, wishing a prompt recovery from grief for his family and loved ones… #animoEcuador
In Ecuador, Daniela Hidalgo (@danielahidalgom) [es] said this about the death of Benítez:
Esta madrugada falleció en #Qatar el #ChuchoBenitez producto de un infarto, El fútbol ecuatoriano de luto
— Daniela Hidalgo (@danielahidalgom) July 29, 2013
Early this morning in #Qatar #ChuchoBenitez passed away from a heart attack, Ecuadorian football is in mourning
Janina Mendoza (@janimendoza12) [es] also expressed sadness over the loss of the football player:
Nuestro futbol con terrible pérdida. Noo qué lamentable noticia lo del #chuchoBenítez falleció de paro cardíaco en Qatar. QEPD
— Janina Mendoza (@janimendoza12) July 29, 2013
This is a terrible loss for our football. Noo how sad the news of #chuchoBenítez passing away from a heart attack in Qatar. RIP
Joseph Blatter (@SeppBlatter) [es], President of FIFA, said this about the death of “Chucho” Benítez:
Consternado por el fallecimiento de Chucho Benítez. Mis pensamientos están con su familia y el fútbol ecuatoriano.
— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter) July 29, 2013
Dismayed by the passing of Chucho Benítez. My thoughts are with his family and with Ecuadorian football.
“Chucho” Benítez was born in Quito, Ecuador on May 1, 1986. During his professional career he moved around between different teams. Internationally, he is remembered for the time he spent in the Premier League of England with Birmingham City, and recently, in Latin America, he is recognized for the championship he reached in the previously named LigaMx with Club América from the Mexican capital.
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