Mass protests against the state secret agency's electioneering scandal thundered across South Korea over the weekend. More than 25 thousand Koreans (Police estimated little below 8000 people) allegedly have attended a candlelight vigil in Seoul and dramatic photos and a video clip of the protest have been shared in major online venues.
Further information / July 27th, Constant mass protests ignited against #NISgate l
해외국민동포여러분 대한민국좀 올바로잡아주시고 살려주세요간곡히 부탁합니다
To the world citizens, the current person playing the role as the representative of South Korea is not real one. The major and the first minor party are all corrupted and disregard the people.
Fraud election interrupted by the NIS. 25,000 people ask Park to step down as soon as possible.
지금 우리나라는 민주주의가 아닙니다
언론이 정부에 장악되고
경찰과 국정원이 선거에 개입하고
여당이 국정조사를 하지않고 휴가나 갈려고 합니다
그래서 한국인들은 집회를 합니다
그런데 그들은 우리를 빨갱이라고 부르며 비하합니다
그리고 우리의 집회를 보도해주지 않습니다
그나마 해외 언론에서 기사를 내주니 감사할따름입니다
Please help us. Please be concern about South Korea. Please…
It was not illegal election. They(with candles) are North Korea follower. They exclaim USA army’s evacuation from South Korea. They are spy of North Korea.
The 18th presidential election was completely fraudulent because the NIS intervened and the police whitewashed the case ahead of election. What a shame on you…They are not a NK follower…Your claim is a grave crime according to the recent court’s decision.
Your mind is going crazy?
Am i Spy of North Korea?
Wow~~~ I didn’t know that.