9 July 2013

Stories from 9 July 2013

Bulgarian Protesters March Kilometers to Challenge Government

  9 July 2013

On Sunday, July 7, the number of protesters in the streets of the Bulgarian capital was unprecedented, as tens of thousands of citizens marched in the streets, again demanding the resignation of the current regime. But after 27 days of anti-government protests in Bulgaria, the leadership of this Eastern European country has so far made no changes.

Decisive Moment for Pro-Immigration Movement in the United States

  9 July 2013

It has been almost 30 years since the U.S. pro-immigration movement has gotten so close to witnessing the passage of comprehensive legislation. The immigration bill that has been circling the Senate since the start of 2013 cleared a hurdle when the border security amendment passed with a vote of 67-27 on June 24.

Pulling Back on Police Powers in Jamaica?

  9 July 2013

Back at the end of May, Jamaica's take on this year's Blog Action Day dealt with the issue of extra judicial killings and police brutality – but now, one of the bloggers who organised JA Blog Day is reporting on what the police can't do, thanks to a recent judicial ruling.

Immigrants on U.S Immigration Reform

  9 July 2013

As usual, the one thing the media aren’t covering is what the immigrants themselves think about immigration reform. In Upside Down World, David L. Wilson writes about a meeting held...

Barbados: Homophobia & Child Abuse

  9 July 2013

Code Red uses the example of a child abuse case in Barbados to make the point that “the buggery laws perform a double injustice. They criminalise sexual relations between adults...

Former Fukushima Plant Manager Passes Away

  9 July 2013

Masao Yoshida, the manager at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant at the time of the accident in Japan, died on July 9, 2013. He had esophageal cancer. Many people expressed condolences...

Mozambique: Tax Justice Campaign

  9 July 2013

Between 2003 and 2011, tax incentives given by the Mozambican government to mega-projects in the country have cost around 163,701,400 US dollars each year to the public coffers, Action Aid Mozambique reports...