Marisol Rodríguez Gamero, a 23-year old Law School student, won the contest “The kindest Peruvian” [es], an initiative to encourage Peruvians to relate to positive values and attitudes, highlighting their kindness towards tourists.
The website [es] summarized the contest's goals [es] and posted information:
[La Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo] PROMPERÚ realiza esta campaña con el cual pretende seguir incentivando el turismo en el Perú y donde todos los peruanos debemos poner de nuestra parte para lograr que los turistas nacionales y extranjeros reciban una cordial atención durante su permanencia en nuestros lugares de visita.
[The Commission of Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism] PROMPERÚ is directing this campaign seeking to continue stimulating tourism in Peru, and where we as Peruvians have to play our part in order to get national and foreign tourists to receive friendly service during their stay in our tourist destinations.
After an extensive advertising campaign on television, newspapers and radio, on Monday June 3, 2013, President Ollanta Humala Tasso and Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, José Luis Silva Martinot, awarded the prize to the winner of the contest, 23-year old Law School student Marisol Rodríguez Gamero.
Marisol was chosen because she spontaneously escorted two Swiss cyclists from the Limean district of Pueblo Libre to the Jorge Chávez international airport. In March of this year, Marisol biked with the Swiss tourists, who were about to travel back to their country, on a 20-kilometer ride from the intersection of Brasil [es] and Bolívar avenues all the way to the airport.
Marisol became a finalist in the contest after netizens voted for her. The awarded prize consists of a luxury trip for two to three destinations: Cusco, Paracas and Tambopata.
The Peruvian twittersphere reacted with all kinds of 140-character remarks, like the laconic announcement by Marca PERÚ (@marcaPERU):
@marcaPERU: Se inicio ceremonia para elección del #peruanomasamable @peruanoamable #marcaperu
@marcaPERU [es]: Ceremony to choose #peruanomasamable [the kindest Peruvian] has started. @peruanoamable #marcaperu [brand Peru]
User mArTin GV (@MARTINZOTE) expressed his hopes for his favorite candidate to be the winner:
@MARTINZOTE: En esta 1ra edición tiene que ganar EL POLICÍA DE AREQUIPA. Desborda AMABILIDAD desde HACE AÑOS @marcaPERU @peruanoamable @peruanomasamable
@MARTINZOTE [es]: On this first edition, the winner has to be the POLICE AGENT FROM AREQUIPA. He is full of KINDNESS for YEARS NOW. @marcaPERU @peruanoamable @peruanomasamable
Using colloquial language, Lima Cero (@Lima_Cero) protested:
@Lima_Cero: #PTM Se puede saber por qué chu*** no fui elegido el #peruanomasamable ¿? Hablen m**das!!! oh wait!!! cc: @telasopapeo
@Lima_Cero: #PTM [es]: Can I know why the fuc*** I wasn't chosen as the #peruanomasamable ¿? Speak up, you pieces of sh**!!! oh wait!!! cc: @telasopapeo
Meanwhile, César de lta Porras (@drcesardip) expressed his opinion with visible resignation:
@drcesardip: Viendo #peruanomasamable y los galardonados me parecen mas vivos [N. del A: listo, audaz] q amable… En fin :)
@drcesardip [es]: Watching #peruanomasamable and the awarded ones look bolder rather than kind… Anyway :)
Twitter user Katty Neciosup (@kttyn) shared her surprise:
@kttyn: QUE!!! #peruanomasamable…pero si a mi no me han llamado! ah es peruanO! OK
@kttyn: WHAT!!! #peruanomasamable… but I haven't been summoned! Ah, it's for Peruvian males! OK
Edwin Gayozzo (@EGayozzo) stated his dissatisfaction and suggested:
@EGayozzo: Qué huachafada. Si quieren incentivar una conducta correcta, háganlo invirtiendo BIEN en educación, no con esta ridiculez #peruanomasamable
@EGayozzo [es]: This is tacky. If you want to encourage correct behavior, please do it with GOOD investment in education, not with this ridiculous thing. #peruanomasamable
The original Spanish word huachafada [es] refers to something tacky, in bad taste or ridiculous.
On the other hand, Less Martínez V (@rockazless) shares her own non-rewarded good action:
@rockazless: No es justo @karenzd y yo acompañamos a un grupo de 6 de turistas hasta la playa y no nos han condecorado nada #peruanomasamable
@rockazless [es]: This is not fair @karenzd and me walked a group of six tourists all the way to the beach and we haven't been awarded nor anything #peruanomasamable
Lastly, @Lima_Cero made a sarcastic reference to Peruvian junior volleyball team coach Natalia Málaga, well-known for her rude style:
@Lima_Cero: Natalia Málaga tenía que haber ganado como #peruanomasamable
@Lima_Cero [es]: Natalia Málaga should have been awarded #peruanomasamable.
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