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Police Brutality in Macedonia: Two Years On

Categories: Eastern & Central Europe, North Macedonia, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Freedom of Speech, Governance, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Protest

Stop Police Brutality June 6 2013

On Thursday, June 6, in the center of Skopje, the Movement Against Police Brutality will mark two years since the murder of Martin Neshkovski, which sparked massive grassroots protests [1] in Macedonia in the summer of 2011. The Facebook event [2] [mk] about the memorial service states:

On Thursday, June 6, at 11 AM, we shall visit the crime scene and light a symbolic candle to remind us that we allowed ourselves to lose a young life. May he be remembered!

During the gathering the “Stop Police Brutality” Movement will hold a press conference to present activities marking its second anniversary. Additionally, we shall express support for the Turkish people who mount bloody resistance to police brutality these days. […]

Two years later, we have already resigned ourselves with the inhumanity of the officers of the repressive system such as Gordana Jankulovska and Ivo Kotevski, who continue building their professional and political careers without a shred of conscience regarding their attempt to lie to the public, but we shall never reconcile with the existence of police units which are unaccountable to the citizens, and pose a constant threat to our personal safety.

We maintain our demands for external control over the members of the MOI, for fundamental reform of the special forces, and for humanization of the profession of policeman, through engaging policemen in work beneficial to society.

And when the police be to the task, we shall remain here, just in case. Never again they should put their boots on our dignity, never again to attempt to assault our psychophysical integrity. We pay them to protect us, not to harass us. […]