On the 22nd of April, the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott, witnessed a wave of protests [ar] by dockers which ended in the authorities cracking down on them and arresting some, resulting in injuries among the crowds.
These workers are demanding some improvement of their precarious conditions and monthly wages instead of getting daily pay.
Poet and activist Cheikh Bellameche expresses solidarity with the protesters [ar]:
@cheikhbella أنا مع الحمالين و ضد ظلمهم، أنا ضد مصاصي الدماء و ضد مراعاة خواطرهم بضرب المستضعفين ، أنتَ ما موقفك ؟ تكلم و إلا فالساكت عن الحق شيطان أخرس
I stand with the dockworkers against the injustice they are facing. I am against vampires and against indulging them by cracking down on the weak people. And you? What is your stance? Speak up because a mute bird makes no omen.
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