What if Watertown was Droned?

At 7:15pm, the low buzz of a drone was heard overheard. Seconds later, an enormous explosion engulfed the area, destroying the boat and several nearby homes. Sources say 46 Watertown residents were killed in the missile strike, including 12 children.


Of course, that's not what happened. But if it did, wouldn't we find it unconscionable? If so, then why are Americans okay with our government doing this to people in other countries?

A hypothetical narration of a drone targeting the Boston Marathon bombing suspect in Watertown by an American Facebook user based in San Francisco, has gone viral amongst Pakistani Facebook users. Within 24 hours the post was shared more than 5000 times and generated hundreds of comments.

 Facebook user Micah Daigle continues:

In Pakistan alone, the U.S. government has killed more than 3,000 people with drone strikes… and only 1 out of 50 were suspected terrorists. The rest were bystanders, rescue workers, and children.

Let's stop this madness now.

One people. One planet. ♥

He posted a follow-up post explaining the seven great things he has learnt about Pakistanis within a day of sharing his story on Facebook:

“It's been an amazing 24 hours.

To my new Pakistani friends:

For years, I've only been able to imagine how it must feel to live under skies pregnant with hellfire missiles. But in the last day, I've had the honor of talking with hundreds of you and hearing your stories. Though I feel a bit undeserving of all the attention and praise, that hasn't stopped me from scooping up as much knowledge as I can before this little bubble of Internet magic pops.

Though the results aren't surprising, this is what I've learned …

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