15 April 2013

Stories from 15 April 2013

Who Owns St. Lucia's Beaches…Citizens or Celebrities?

  15 April 2013

St. Lucians can usually visit any beach they choose, but thanks to a recent celebrity wedding, the beach surrounding a local resort was deemed off limits, raising longstanding questions about beach access and the cost benefits of large resorts.

Filipino Politicians Linked to Offshore Accounts

  15 April 2013

The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism reported that 500 Philippine residents, including some prominent politicians, are among those who maintained offshore accounts after it participated in a global collaborative project that reviewed the leaked files of more than 120,000 offshore companies and trusts.

Guinea-Bissau President Caught up in ‘Arms for Drugs’ Conspiracy

  15 April 2013

A drug and arms trafficking scheme in Guinea Bissau appears to go straight to the top. On the eve of the first anniversary of a military coup in Guinea Bissau that thwarted last year's presidential elections, US court documents seemed to implicate the country's interim president in a failed plan to smuggle weapons to Colombian rebels and cocaine into Guinea Bissau.