North Korea's threats to attack US military bases, including those on the American mainland, drew laughs from a number of Arab netizens.
Palestinian Ola Anan tweets [ar]:
تعليق بابا على تهديدات كوريا: أيوة بقى خليهم يتلهوا في بعضهم شوية ويحلّوا عنا
@olanan: My father's reactions to [North] Korea's threats: “Yes, let them get preoccupied with each other and leave us in peace.”
Syrian The 47th jokes:
@THE_47th: If this North Korean nuclear threat to US happened when Bush was president, he would have already ordered an attack on Cambodia. #GodBless

SATIRE: @Heshoz shares this picture showing the Emir of Qatar cheering on the on-going war of words between North Korea and the US.
While Lebanese Liliane A. notes:
@FunkyOzzi: The way I see it, #NorthKorea is the baby that lacks affection and just needs a hug.
Hadi Alabdullah, from Homs, Syria, adds [ar]:
منقول: الائتلاف الوطني السوري يدرس قرار تزويد الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بأسلحة غير فتاكة وتقديم الدعم اللوجستي لها في حربها ضد كوريا :)
@HadiAlabdullah: The Syrian National Coalition studies a decision to provide the US with non-lethal weapons and logistical aid in its war against North Korea
Egyptian Ibrahim Elgarhi takes the opportunity to poke fun at his country's own president saying:
كوريا الشمالية تصدق رسميا على ضرب امريكا بالنووي.. وبكدة يبقى جونج تاني اعبط رئيس في العالم
@Ibrahim_Elgarhi: North Korea approves Nuclear attack on US and thus makes Kim Jong-un the second most stupid president in the world
Hesham Mansour shares this picture showing the Emir of Qatar cheering on the on-going war of words between North Korea and the US. Qatar, the home of Al Jazeera television, has played a role in supporting many Arab Spring revolutions, even sending forces to Libya.
And on Brother Please, a Facebook page, contributors shared hilarious pictures and memes of North Korea's threat against the US.
Here's one of them:
God is perfect balance for exsample. a cup is a cup a car is a car an depending on the right balance of meterals this is the difference between how good an lasting they wii that being said in our existence the U.S. has accomplished more in two hundred years then all peoples of all nations in the world in all of human histry becausde we as a country are balance to the good..becuse of gods blessing on the good…jesus was perfectly balance from the because of this he set the esample to live by..of balance in this world…with god an man he said love god over all else an treat ur brother like u want to be treated this is the values of jesus christ..these are our values as country so all that laugh at us i pitty u i lov u an ill pray for u an..just a side note..well see whos laughing wen this is all over..
u would ir self ….an this pretty much sums perfect you will never find more balance in this life an man