On Twitter, Egyptians who voted for Mohamed Morsi in the Egyptian presidential elections in June 24 are remorseful – and their regret is evident in a new hashtag which reads: I elected Morsi because ..
The hashtag [ar] #انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان generated tongue-in-cheek and sarcasm. Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, won the presidential runoff elections against Ahmed Shafik, the last prime minister of Hosni Mubarak, who resigned after 32 years following 18 days of country-wide protests against his rule.
Just a few months into his rule, and Egyptians are back on the streets demanding his departure. And just like under Mubarak's rule, protests are crushed and turn violent as protesters and police clash.
Sara Hassan says [ar]:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان أموت شهيد
@saram7assan2010: I elected Morsi because I can die a martyr
Ahmed Arafi notes:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان انتخبوك يا #مرسي علشان يضربوا نفسهم بـ أجدع جزمة
@AhmedArafi: They elected you Morsi so that they can hit themselves with their shoe
Mohamed Salah adds:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان انا راجل ابن كلب
@7agog: I elected Morsi because I am a man who is a son of a dog
And Mohamed Youssef jokes:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان لأنه روش وستايل وبيتكلم انجليش لانجويتش كويس أوي ده غير انه الانسان الوحيد اللي شاف طائر النهضه المبارك !
@yousufian: I elected Morsi because he has style and speaks English very well and is the only person to see the blessed renaissance bird
Alyaa Gad remarks:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان يحل لنا مشكلة الانفجار السكاني عن طريق خطة خمسية لمضاعفة حوادث القطارات والطرق وانهيار العمارات وقطع خلف الجميع.
@AlyaaGad: I elected Morsi because he will solve Egypt's population explosion problem as part of a five-year plan to increase train and road crashes and the collapse of buildings. He will also make Egyptians impotent.
Meanwhile, @SaLaMonty_ abolishes his responsibility in Morsi's election saying:
#انا_انتخبت_مرسي_عشان والمصحف ما عملتها .. دانا ايدى تنقطع ولا يغطسوها فى بلاعة ولا انى انتخب البغل ده .. الحمد لله كنت #مبطلون
@SaLaMonty_: I swear to God I didn't elect Morsi. I would cut off my hands and not elect that jackass. I thank God I was Mubtilun (people who cast void ballots)
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